考考你 小试牛刀
本片段剧情:Jones警官终于发现Mrs Collins的孩子是被谋杀了,但他仍不愿承认自己找错了孩子,于是把Mrs Collins关进精神病院。Mrs Collins的朋友们跑到警局来要人未果,而在另一边,Mrs Collins却在接受本不应接受的精神治疗……
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Jones: Well, he's lying. Have you gone soft in the head, Les?
Ybarra: Twenty kids, sir.
Jones: He's playing you. He knows he's in trouble, so he's come up with some cock and bull story about how he was forced to stay in the country.
Ybarra: With all due respect, sir, I don't think so. You didn't see him. This kid, he's scared half out of his mind.
Jones: He picked the Collins kid. We found him, remember? Haven't you been reading the papers? Or maybe you have, is that it?
Ybarra: Sir, if you'd just listen to me...
Woman: I'm sorry, Captain, but he's here again.

Jones: Who?
Woman: That Reverend Briegleb. He's asking about Christine Collins.
Jones: Well, you tell that son of a bitch to get the hell off of police property, or I'll have him arrested for disturbing the peace.
Woman: I tried. He said he won't leave, him or his friends.
Jones: What? Oh, what the hell! Jesus! Oh, Jesus jumped down.
Ybarra: Captain?
Jones: Ybarra? Yeah. Listen to me. You're to do nothing except get back here.
Ybarra: Sir, departmental policy requires that all allegations of homicide have to be investigated. These are kids, for Christ sake.
Jones: Departmental policy is what I say it is. Now, I'm ordering you to get your ass back here with that kid, you got that? You don't talk to anybody and you bring me that kid. You got it? Nobody!
Reverend Briegleb: Captain Jones.
Jones: Boys.
Reverend Briegleb: What the hell have you done with Christine Collins? And don't try and lie your way out of it, because several of her neighbors saw her being driven away in a police car.
Jones: Mrs. Collins has been placed in protective custody following a mental breakdown.
Reverend Briegleb: A what?
Jones: She's getting the best treatment available. And that will be all.

Nurse: Next.
Doctor: Go on. Move up.
Mrs Collins: For what?
Doctor: Medication.
Mrs Collins: Medication for what?
Doctor: The kind that's good for you. Help you relax.
Mrs Collins: Well, I don't want to relax.
Doctor: Come on. We can force-feed you if that's what you want. Take it. Orderly.
Mrs Collins: I'm not gonna take something... I don't know what it is! Dr. Steele? Dr. Steele?
Dr. Steele: I understand. Come on.
Mrs Collins: I don't wanna take anything that I don't know what it is. There's nothing wrong with me that I need medication.
Dr. Steele: There's nothing wrong with you.
Mrs Collins: No, there's nothing wrong.
Dr. Steele: No. You're fine.
Mrs Collins: Yes, I am.
Dr. Steele: Well, then you shouldn't have any trouble signing this. By signing it, you certify that you were wrong when you stated the boy returned to you by the police was not your son. It further stipulates that the police were right in sending you here for observation and it absolves them of all responsibility. Sign it.
Mrs Collins: I won't sign that. I won't sign that.
Dr. Steele: Well, then your condition is not improved. Sign it, and you can be out of here first thing tomorrow morning.
Mrs Collins: But I wasn't wrong. He's not my son. My son is still missing.
Dr. Steele: Mrs. Collins, you're becoming agitated.
Mrs Collins: Yes, I'm, yes... I'm not signing that, because he's not my son! He's not my son! My son is missing! No! My son is missing!
Dr. Steele: Orderly! Orderly! The patient is becoming hysterical! See to it she is sedated properly.
Doctor: Get her out of here.
Mrs Collins: No! No! No!
Nurse: Orderly, hold on.
Carol Dexter: Stop it!
Doctor: Open your mouth. Open, open your mouth. Easy!
Nurse: You got her? God! Swallow it.
Carol Dexter: Stop it!
Doctor: Move back. You! Get her out of here! Come on, you got her?
Dr. Steele: Stay out of this! This is none of your business! This is police business! All of you! You'll stay out of it if you know what's good for you! You'd think you were in enough trouble with the law already, being a whore, wouldn't you? Attacking a staff member. Room 18.
Carol Dexter: No, no! Stop it! No!
妙语佳句 活学活用
1. soft in the head: 头脑迟钝,糊里糊涂。Since John met that girl he's gone soft in the head.(约翰自从遇见那姑娘起,头脑就有点不正常了)。
2. play someone: 耍某人。平时我们还常用play with sb来表示“开某人的玩笑”。
3. come up with: 想出。我刚才考了Jim一个问题,但He couldn't come up with the answer.(他想不出答案)。
4. cock and bull story: 无稽之谈,荒诞的说法。He admitted that he had invented a cock and bull story.(他承认他编造了一个荒诞不经的故事)。
5. with all due respect: 请恕我冒昧。通常用于在对权威者的意见提出反对意见之前,以便使自己的发言显得不那么粗鲁无礼。例如:With all due respect, sir, that is not going to help anything. 先生,请恕我冒昧,恐怕这么做根本就于事无补。
6. out of one's mind: 发疯,神经错乱。Ybarra在这里是说:“那个杀人的孩子快吓疯了”。平时我们常用drive someone out of his mind来表示“快把某人逼疯了”,例如:John was almost out of his mind with jealousy.(约翰嫉妒得几乎发狂了)。
7. for Christ sake: 看在老天的份上。例如:“Forgive me, for Christ’s sake.(看在老天的份上,饶恕我吧。)而for one's sake or for the sake of则是指“为……起见;为了……的缘故)。
8. protective custody: 保护性监禁,保护性拘留。由于drunk driving(酒后驾车),His car was held in the custody of the police.(他的汽车被警察扣压),而且他自己也被Kept under close custody(严格监视)。
9. force-feed: to feed someone who will not or cannot eat(强迫进食)。Mrs Collins认为自己并没有精神疾病,所以拒绝吞食医生发的药片,但却没想到遭到了医生的force-feed。
10.first thing: 一大早。医生许诺给Mrs Collins,只要她在文件上签了字,明天“一大早”就可以离开。
11.agitated: 激动的,表现不安的。例如:Don't get all agitated!(不要那么激动!)
12.hysterical: 歇斯底里的,异常兴奋的。My wife was nearly hysterical. She wanted to check into a motel.(我妻子近乎歇斯底里,她要去汽车旅馆住宿。)
13.stay out of: 不插手,不参与。Please stay out of my business and I will stay out of yours.(请别管我的事,我也不会干涉你的事)。
考考你 小试牛刀