![](../../../../images/mobile_lt.gif) 看看隐形斗篷什么样
[ 2009-06-26 14:06 ]
They can't match Harry Potter yet, but scientists are moving closer to creating a real cloak of invisibility. 虽然不能和哈利•波特相比,但美国科学家最近在“隐身斗篷”的研制上有了新进展。
Researchers at Duke University, who developed a material that can "cloak" an item from detection by microwaves, report that they have expanded the number of wavelengths they can block. 杜克大学的研究人员研制出一种隐形材料,可以“隐蔽”物体不被微波侦测发现。他们报告说已经拓展了隐形材料能够阻挡的波长范围。
In 2006 the team reported they had developed so-called metamaterials that could deflect microwaves around a three-dimensional object, essentially making it invisible to the waves. 早在2006年,这个研究小组就宣称他们研发出了一种所谓的“超材料”,能使三维物体周围的微波偏移,探测不到该物体的存在。
The new cloak is made up of more than 10,000 individual pieces of fiberglass arranged in parallel rows. The mathematical formulas are used to determine the shape and placement of each piece to deflect the electromagnetic waves. 新斗篷由一万多块平行放置的玻璃纤维单片组成。研究者运用数学公式来决定每块单片的形状和位置,从而偏移电磁波的方向。
The system works like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky. 整个系统的工作原理类似海市蜃楼:热气导致光线扭曲,使得前方道路隐蔽在天空的影像之后。
The researchers report in the new edition of the journal Science that they have developed a series of mathematical commands to guide the development of more types of metamaterials to cloak objects from an increasing range of electromagnetic waves. 研究者将其研究成果发表在新一期的《科学》杂志上,声称他们已经研发出一系列数学指令,能够引导更多种“超材料”掩护物体不被波长范围更广的电磁波发现。
"The new device can cloak a much wider spectrum of waves--nearly limitless," senior researcher David R. Smith said in a statement. 资深研究员戴维•R. 史密斯在一份声明中说:“新装置能够遮挡范围更广的光波——接近于无限。”