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英格兰饮茶风俗由何而来? (二)
Brain Teaser  
What is black and white on the toilet?
What is coming but will never arrive?
What is dark but made out of light?
What is the 1st thing you do when you jump in the water?
What is the best month for a parade?
What is the wisest thing to keep in a first aid kit?
What kind of beans never grows in a garden?
What kind of clothing lasts the longest?
What kind of pen doesn't write?
What kind of water cannot freeze?
What kind of wheel never touches the ground?
What makes a skeleton sad?
What never asks questions but must always be answered?
What never cries no matter how hard it is paddled?
What building has the most stories?
What time is it when the clock strikes thirteen?
What two things can you never have for breakfast?
When is a car not a car?
When is a farmer mean?
When is it dangerous to be hit on the head by a tomato?
When is it raining cats & dogs?
Where do dates grow?
Who had the largest family in the world?
Who is history's most famous bandit?
Why did the alien take soap into space with him?
Why did the baby strawberry cry?
Why did the girl sit on her watch?
Why did the traffic light turn red?
Why didn't the horse draw a cart?
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
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Publisher:Ballantine Books
ISBN: 034549394X
List Price: 70 RMB
Discounted Price(优惠价): 63 RMB
You save: 7 RMB