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Top 10 celebrity divorces of 2010

[ 2010-12-14 15:33] 来源:中国日报     字号 [] [] []  
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Top 10 celebrity divorces of 2010 Eva Longoria & Tony Parker

Top 10 celebrity divorces of 2010

Top 10 celebrity divorces of 2010

Top 10 celebrity divorces of 2010

Top 10 celebrity divorces of 2010

Top 10 celebrity divorces of 2010

Top 10 celebrity divorces of 2010

"Desperate Housewives" star Eva Longoria filed for divorce on November 17, 2010 to end her three-year marriage to basketball player Tony Parker, following revelations of his text messaging with another woman.

Tony Parker handed in the legal documents in Bexar County, Texas, November 19, 2010, two days after the 'Desperate Housewives' star filed divorce papers at Los Angeles Superior Court.

Eva wrote: "It is with great sadness that after 7 years together, Tony and I have decided to divorce. We love each other deeply and pray for each other's happiness."

The marriage was Parker's first and Longoria's second. Her marriage to "General Hospital" TV actor Tyler Christopher ended in 2004 after two years.

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