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对准小金人 《泰坦尼克号》情侣档再度合作
[ 2007-03-26 10:16 ]




Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in a scene from the 1997 smash 'Titanic' in an image courtesy of Paramount.[Reuters]

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, who played ill-fated lovers in the 1997 smash hit "Titanic," are reuniting for a drama about postwar disillusionment, the DreamWorks movie studio said on Friday.

"Revolutionary Road" will be directed by Winslet's husband, British filmmaker Sam Mendes, who won an Oscar for directing 1999's dysfunctional family drama "American Beauty."

The DreamWorks project, based on the 1961 novel by Richard Yates, revolves around a suburban couple caught between their hopes for a life of art, culture and sophistication and the everyday drudgery of boring jobs and domesticity.

"Revolutionary Road" is considered a master work of modern American literature, and was named one of the top 100 novels of all time by Time magazine.

In "Titanic," DiCaprio's working-class character fell in love with a wealthy socialite played by Winslet aboard the doomed ocean liner that sank in the icy North Atlantic in 1912.

It became the highest-grossing movie of all time, raking in more than $1.8 billion in global ticket sales, and made DiCaprio and Winslet household names.

Both DiCaprio and Winslet were nominated for Oscars this year, for thriller "Blood Diamond" and drama "Little Children," respectively. DiCaprio has earned three Oscar nominations and Winslet five.

DreamWorks is a unit of Viacom Inc.'s Paramount Pictures.



ill-fated:  命运多舛的

Revolutionary Road: 《革命之路》改编自美国作家理查德·叶茨1961年出版的同名小说,以美国南北战争后50年代为背景,描述战后一代人的觉醒。迪卡普里奥和温斯莱特将在片中扮演中产阶级夫妻,他们之间充满谎言和压力的生活,折射出二战后西方知识分子经历的精神幻灭。

domesticity: 家庭琐事,家务事

highest-grossing: 最赚钱的,最高票房的


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