Carrie: Five hours later, Charlotte's night was just beginning. She and Jack had just had another fantastic date--dancing for dyslexia.
Jack: So, what do you think of her? Is she hot?
Charlotte: Jack!
Jack: You're right. Maybe she's more your taste.
Charlotte: Stop it.
Woman: Have a light?
Charlotte: Sorry, I don't smoke.
Woman:That's a shame.
Jack: Did you see that? She was flirting with us.
Charlotte: I think she was flirting with you.
Jack: Charlotte, you are such aturn-on, and you have no idea. You'regiving offthis sexual energy all the time. Avibelike, you've got a fire inside of you. She'd be crazy not to be in to you.
Carrie: Who knows whether it was her vodka or her vibe but Charlotte suddenly did feel a little warm.
Charlotte: I think she put her hand on my leg.
Jack: So should I ask her to join us?
Charlotte: Do you think it means I should do it? Have a threesome? Jack says that I have a fire inside me.
Carrie:You tell him they make a cream for that.
Charlotte: I'm serious.
Carrie: I don't know, it's your call, but don't do it just to make Jack happy.
Charlotte: But maybe it would bring us closer.
Carrie: Sweetie, don't you think it's weird that you're thinking of sleeping with someone you don't know to get closer to Jack?
Charlotte: How well do we ever know the people we sleep with?
Carrie: That was the thing about Charlotte. Just when you were about towrite her offas aPark AvenuePollyanna, she'd say something so right on, you'd think she was the Dalai Lama.
Charlotte: Do you think my hair is too shiny today?
Carrie: And then, she'd say something else.
Charlotte: Do you?
Carrie: But the bigger question remained.
1. That's a shame.
相当于"It's a pity.(真遗憾)",可不是"可耻"的意思。
2. Turn-on
在俚语中,turn-on 可以指"Something that causes pleasure or excitement",这里指"引起性欲的人/事物"。
3. Give off
Give off 这个短语大家都不陌生,它做"放出,散发出"的意思解,可以指"发出(蒸汽,光,香味,能量,热,辐射)"等等。例如:The gardenia gives off a very strong fragrance.
4. Vibe
俚语,vibration的简化用法,意思是"感应,共鸣",例如:That place gave me bad vibrations. 那个地方给我一种不好的感觉。
5. You tell him they make a cream for that.
美国有很多抗生素类药是乳霜型的,这里Carrie 把 Charlotte 的fire inside 比作"感染",抗生素类药可以帮助她,
6. Write off
这个片语的本意是"cut off, cancel",但在这里的意思是"to label",Carrie 要把 Charlotte 定性为Park Avenue Pollyanna。
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