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By Byron Pulsifer
青柠选 丰婕敏 译
“What are you doing today? ” “Not much.” “So what are you going to do today since you have the whole day to do whatever you want?” “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll play a few video games, watch some movies, and go and hang out with my friends at the mall later.” “I thought you were going to apply for a couple of colleges since you just finished high school?” “Na. I don’t have the smarts—I just can't seem to get into the whole study thing.” “Well have you ever really studied the right way? I mean studied with no distractions[1], no music, no TV on, and dedicated a specific amount of time?” “I’ve tried to do that but haven't been able to do it very often.” “Interesting. But, tried is not the same as doing it. You either do or you don’t. You cannot get anything in life no matter what you do if you only try. Would you want to hire yourself if you only tried to do what you wanted to get done.” “I suppose not.” “Think about it. If you were hired to pile a bunch of products in a certain way and you only tried to do it but didn’t, do you think you’d last very long at the job. I certainly wouldn’t pay you very long if you didn’t get the job done. There are lots of people to hire that CAN get the job done.” “Kinda mean[2] aren't you?” “That’s not being mean; that’s being truthful. Nobody wants to hire a person who just tries but can never get it done. If you are taught how to do something and know everything it takes to get the job done, and then only try but don’t use your training, what contribution do you actually make—none. Might as well do the job myself.” “I suppose.” “Suppose. That’s the same thing as trying. Do you agree with me or not?” “Yeah. I agree then.” “Okay. If you agree then you know the difference between trying and doing it. The same applies to studying. You either do it, or you don’t. There is no try. You have the potential to make a life that you want instead of just wasting it playing video games, or watching TV, or just hanging out. What kind of future will you have if you just do things that are easy to do but really add nothing to your life?” |
“你今天有什么安排吗?” “没什么安排。” “既然你有一整天的时间做你想做的事,那你准备做点什么呢?” “我不知道。可能玩玩电子游戏,看看电影,呆会儿出去和朋友到商场溜达溜达吧。” “我还以为你既然高中刚毕业,会准备去申请大学呢?” “哎呀,我可没那个能耐——我就不是读书的料。” “那你有没有真正用正确方式学习过呢?没有干扰,没有音乐,不开电视,并且投入一定量的时间来学习?” “我尽量试着那样做了,但还是经常做不到。” “有意思。但是,试图和做到并不是一回事。你要么就做到,要么就做不到。如果你仅仅是尝试,那么你这一辈子不管做什么,终将一无所获。设想你是雇主,你会不会愿意雇佣你这种只是试着去做本该完成的事情的人。” “我想不会吧。” “试想一下。如果你的老板让你把很多产品按一定的方式摆放好,而你只是试图去做但没做成,你觉得这份工作你还能干很久吗?如果你完成不了的话,要是我的话肯定不愿意长期花钱雇你的。有的是人能把这工作做完,我完全可以去雇他们。” “你这样有点不厚道吧?” “这不是不厚道,这是现实。没人愿意雇一个只是想做但永远也成不了事的人。如果你学了该怎么去做某事,而且也清楚地知道要怎样完成这项工作,但是你就是不用上你的那些知识,只是试试而已,你实际有些什么贡献——什么贡献也没。那这工作我还不如自己来做。” “我想是吧。” “你想是吧。这和你尝试就是一码事。你到底是同意我还是不同意?” “是的。那我同意。” “那好。如果你同意,那你就是知道了尝试和做到之间的区别。学习亦然。你要么就学,要么不学。没有试着学。你现在有这个可能性,去创造一种你想要的生活,而不是把生命浪费在玩电脑游戏,看电视,或者瞎逛上。你如果只是做这些简单,但实际上对你的生活毫无益处的事情,会有什么前途?” (来源:英语学习杂志 编辑:中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮) |
Vocabulary: 1. distraction: 使人分心的事物 2. mean: 刻薄的,卑鄙的 |
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