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French public say they want First Lady Valerie kicked out of palace
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Troubled: French President Francois Hollande and Valerie Trierweiler at the Elysee Palace in March 2013 |
France's first lady Valerie Trierweiler collapsed and was rushed to hospital after being told of President Francois Hollande’s secret trysts with an actress, it emerged last night. Distraught Miss Trierweiler, 48, was admitted for treatment following the publication of photographs of the French leader sneaking in and out of his love-nest. Last night she was still in hospital undergoing tests and was being ‘left to rest’, a spokesman said. Sources said Miss Trierweiler was being treated for shock and exhaustion, while one newspaper said she was ‘very depressed’ by the revelations, which place her grand lifestyle under threat. As first lady, Miss Trierweiler – who is not married to Mr Hollande – has enjoyed all the perks of a presidential wife with a retinue of staff and a generous budget. But her place in the 59-year-old president’s affections appears to have been taken by Julie Gayet, a 41-year-old actress who has been conducting a secret affair with the Socialist head of state since last year. Mr Hollande, whose popularity was already at rock bottom as France teeters on the brink of economic crisis, has been urged to ‘clarify’ his love life. An opinion poll yesterday showed the vast majority of French voters – 89 per cent – want him to separate from Miss Trierweiler, which would make her the first ‘premiere dame’ in history to be kicked out of the Elysee Palace. It reflects mounting anger that the already unpopular Miss Trierweiler maintains her own office at the palace, costing French taxpayers a small fortune. The Paris Match journalist has five staff working for her, at a cost of £17,000 per month, and her taxpayer-funded perks included homes across France, and private jets and limousines at her disposal as she represents the nation at home and abroad. Miss Trierweiler became Mr Hollande’s live-in girlfriend following his separation from fellow Socialist politician Segolene Royal, the mother of his four children. Mr Hollande is was said to have taken her as mistress while still living with Miss Royal. Miss Trierweiler has been a deeply controversial figure since moving into the Elysée following Mr Hollande’s presidential election win in 2012. She was told on Thursday evening that the French magazine Closer was preparing to publish a seven-page exposé of Mr Hollande’s philandering. A palace source said: ‘She didn’t believe it at first. She thought they could just get their lawyers to stop the magazine publishing the story. ‘Then she was told it couldn’t be banned. She was upset, very upset. ‘She is being humiliated, and effectively turned into a national laughing stock.’ A palace source said: ‘She didn’t believe it at first. She thought they could just get their lawyers to stop the magazine publishing the story. ‘Then she was told it couldn’t be banned. She was upset, very upset. ‘She is being humiliated, and effectively turned into a national laughing stock.’ France has some of the strictest privacy laws in the world and previous French presidents Nicolas Sarkozy, Jacques Chirac and Francois Mitterrand all secretly cheated on their wives. Opponents claim the scandal exposes publicly-funded deceit, security lapses and the enormous cost of a first lady who no longer has legitimacy. Paris is buzzing with speculation over who tipped off the magazine – including the extraordinary suggestion the president himself was responsible for the leak as a way of getting rid of split-skirt-wearing Miss Trierweiler. Laurence Piau, the editor of Closer, said Mr Hollande was ‘clearly in love’ with Miss Gayet, a mother of two, and wanted a future with her.
据英国《每日邮报》1月12日报道,法国总统奥朗德日前被爆和女演员朱莉•加耶有染,“第一女友”瓦莱丽•特里耶韦莱气急攻心,因抑郁不得不入院接受治疗。与此同时,瓦莱丽还惨遭“逼宫”,最近一项民意调查显示,绝大多数法国人希望奥朗德和她分手。 ***“第一女友”抑郁入院 瓦莱丽的发言人证实,她在10日当天被送到医院接受治疗。法国《靠近》杂志正是那天爆料称奥朗德和加耶偷情。该发言人还补充说,瓦莱里“正在接受测试”,“在休息中”。 爱丽舍宫证实了瓦莱里住院的消息,并称她可能在13日出院。 瓦莱丽没有正式发表评论,但有消息称她“被激怒,感觉受到了侮辱”。 ***总统或另结新欢 现年41岁的加耶是法国知名女演员,与丈夫、阿根廷导演阿米戈雷纳分居。有传闻称,加耶从去年开始就和奥朗德保持着地下情关系。 据《靠近》杂志爆料,奥朗德定期乔装打扮、乘坐摩托车前往爱丽舍宫不远处的公寓与加耶私会。《靠近》编辑、爆料绯闻的皮奥说,奥朗德显然已经和他的新女友坠入爱河,并想和她有未来。 奥朗德回应称,报道是“对隐私权的侵犯”。他以个人身份发表声明说,正“考虑可能采取的行动,包括法律行动”。不过,他并未否认绯闻。 ***瓦莱丽遭“逼宫” 法国《观点》周刊12日公布的网络民意调查显示,89%的受访者认为奥朗德“应该和瓦莱丽•特里耶韦莱分手”。议员勒加德说:“她不是总统的妻子,却扮演着法国‘第一夫人’的角色,就好像还存在另一个‘第一夫人’一样。这种情况应该立刻澄清。” 知名政治评论员、传记作家卡特琳•柰说,“问题在于瓦莱丽•特里耶韦莱是否能留在爱丽舍宫”,她暗示称瓦莱丽强烈的“嫉妒心”将让各方难以忍受目前的局势。 瓦莱丽自入主爱丽舍宫,就一直饱受争议。她曾在推特上公开支持奥朗德前女友罗雅尔的竞争对手,她被爆料介入奥朗德与罗雅尔的关系,甚至是同时担任奥朗德和萨科齐政府经济产业振兴计划部部长德维让的情人。 相关阅读 (玉洁 编辑:信莲)
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