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Netherlands is country with most plentiful, healthy food: Oxfam
The Netherlands nudged past France and Switzerland as the country with the most nutritious, plentiful and healthy food, while the United States and Japan failed to make it into the top 20, a new ranking released by Oxfam on Tuesday showed. Chad came in last on the list of 125 nations, behind Ethiopia and Angola, in the food index from the international relief and development organization. "The Netherlands have created a good market that enables people to get enough to eat. Prices are relatively low and stable and the type of food people are eating is balanced," Deborah Hardoon, a senior researcher at Oxfam who compiled the results, said in an interview. Oxfam ranked the nations on the availability, quality and affordability of food and dietary health. It also looked at the percentage of underweight children, food diversity and access to clean water, as well as negative health outcomes such as obesity and diabetes. European countries dominated the top of the ranking but Australia squeezed into the top 12, tying with Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Luxembourg at No. 8. The United Kingdom failed to make the top 10, tying for the 13th spot, because of the volatility of its food prices compared to other goods, which Oxfam said is on a level with Peru (51), Malta (33) and Kyrgyzstan (65). African nations, along with Laos (112), Bangladesh (102), Pakistan (97) and India (97), were predominant in the bottom 30 countries. Although the United States has the most affordable and good quality food, high levels of obesity and diabetes pushed the nation into 21st place in the ranking, tying with Japan, which scored poorly on the relative price of food compared to other goods. The Netherlands got top marks for its low food prices and diabetes levels, while Chad had the worst score for the cost of food in the country and the number of underweight children - 34 percent. The only countries where food is more expensive are Guinea and the Gambia, which were both at the lower end of the ranking. Burundi, Yemen, Madagascar and India have the worst rates of nutrition and the most underweight children, according to Oxfam. Oxfam said the latest figures show 840 million people go hungry every day, despite there being enough food for the hungry. It called for changes in the way food is produced and distributed around the world. Research suggests that climate change could raise the number of people at risk of hunger by 20 to 50 percent by 2050, according to the group. |
汇总这些结果的牛津饥荒救济委员会的高级研究员德伯拉•哈尔顿说:“荷兰营造了一个良好的市场,让人们有足够的食物可以吃。食物价格也相对低廉和稳定,人们所持的食物种类也比较平衡。” 牛津饥荒救济委员会从获得食物的难易程度、食物的品质和价位以及膳食健康等方面来给各个国家排名。它还考虑了体重偏低的儿童比例、食物的多样性、获得清洁水源的难易程度,以及肥胖和糖尿病等负面健康结果。 欧洲国家占据排名前列,不过澳大利亚也成功跻身前12名,和爱尔兰、意大利、葡萄牙和卢森堡并列排在第八名。 英国未能跻身前十名,和其他的国家并排第13名,因为英国的食物价格相比其他商品浮动太大,牛津饥荒救济委员会说英国食物价格的不稳定性与排名第51的秘鲁、排名第33的马尔他和排名第65的吉尔吉斯斯坦持平。 非洲国家和老挝(112名)、孟加拉国(102名)、巴基斯坦(97名)和印度(97名)一起入列排名最末的30个国家。 尽管美国的食物价格和质量都是最好的,但是美国肥胖和糖尿病的高发率使美国排在第21名,与日本并排,日本排名不佳是因为食品价格相对其他商品偏高。 荷兰排名居首是因为食物价格低和糖尿病发病率低,而乍得排名最低是因为食物价格太高和体重不足儿童的数量太多(占据34%)。唯一食品价格比乍得还高的国家是几内亚和冈比亚,这两个国家都排名靠后。 排名指出,布隆迪、也门、马达加斯加和印度的食物营养价值最低、体重不足的儿童也最多。 牛津饥荒救济委员会说,尽管有足够的食物给穷人吃,但每天还是有8.4亿人每天饿肚子。它呼吁改变食物生产的方式和在全世界分配的方式。 根据该组织,研究表明,气候变化将会在2050年前使饥饿人群的数量增加20%到50%。 (来源:Reuters 翻译:丹妮) |
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