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Britons 'most faithful partners' in Europe
Weeks after President Franois Hollande's affair with an actress was revealed, a Europe-wide survey has shown the French are the continent’s worst philanderers, while British are the least likely to cheat. Italian men are in joint pole position with their French cousins, with 55 per cent of males from both countries saying that they have had sexual relations with a woman other than the person they were in a relationship with. British men scored far lower, but were shown to be no angels, with 42 per cent of them saying they had had an affair, according to the survey of nearly 5,000 people in six countries. The survey, carried out by polling firm IFOP for Gleeden, which claims to be the “premiere international dating website for married people”, comes just a few weeks after President Hollande was snapped leaving the home of actress Julie Gayet on a scooter. “After all the noise about 'L'Affaire Gayet', and all the articles in the international press about the fickle nature of the French, this seems to confirm the clichs about Latin males," said Ifop director Francois Kraus. Mr Hollande and Italian leader Silvio Berlusconi, who was last year convicted of paying for sex with an underage prostitute at one of his infamous "bunga bunga parties", are "ultimately quite representative of their respective nations," noted Kraus. The pollsters suggested a link between bed-hopping and religion, saying there was less evidence of cheating in "majority Protestant" countries. German men were slightly more promiscuous than their British counterparts, with 46 per cent of them admitting to infidelity, while the Belgians, at 51 per cent, beat the Spanish at 50 per cent. Women in all six countries were far better behaved than their menfolk. By far the naughtiest were the Germans, with 43 per cent of them admitting playing the field, far behind the Italians and the French at 34 per cent and 32 per cent respectively. Cheating British women came in at 29 per cent, on a par with the Belgians and just above the Spanish. The poll also showed that the British suffered more from remorse after hopping into bed with another man or woman. About half of British respondents who admitted infidelity said they regretted it, while only 28 per cent of French did. |
法国总统奥朗德与一名女演员的桃色事件被曝光数周后,一项泛欧的民意调查随之跟进,民调结果显示,在欧洲法国男人的风流指数名列第一,而英国人最不易于欺骗自己的伴侣。 意大利男人则与他们的法国老表惺惺相惜,两国受访男性承认曾有过婚外性行为的比例都达到了55%。 与之相比,英国男人的风流指数则远远落后,但也不是说英国男子个个都是守身如玉,也有42%的男性承认曾偷吃过禁果。 法国总统奥朗德在骑摩托离开女演员朱莉·葛耶(Julie Gayet)家门时被拍,照片曝光后数周后,此次民调随即跟进,参与受访者来自欧洲六个国家达到了近5000人,由民调机构伊佛普研究所(IFOP)为格林登(Gleeden)婚外交友网站运作执行,格林登网站自诩是首个国际婚外情交友平台。 伊佛普研究所所长佛朗索瓦·克劳斯说:“在所有关于朱莉的桃色事件和国际媒体对法国人轻佻天性的言论浮出水面后,看起来真的印证了老生常谈的对拉丁男人的评价。” 意大利前总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)去年因在他声名狼藉的花香派对里向一未成年妓女买春受到了法律的判决,如拿奥朗德与贝卢斯科尼比较,克劳斯提到,“他们二人完完全全代表了各自的民族。” 民调机构还把对伴侣忠贞与宗教联系在一起分析,认为在新教为主要宗教的国家,出轨率明显减低。 德国男人要比英国男人更花心些,有46%的承认不忠,而比利时是51%,西班牙为50%。 受访的六个国家中,女性要比男性洁身自好得多。 目前看,欧洲女性中,要数德国女人最水性杨花了,有43%的人承认了曾有过滥交行为。与之相比,远远落后的是意大利和法国女性,比例分别为34%和32%。 出轨的英国女性占受访者女性的29%,与比利时女性持平,略高于西班牙女性。 民调还显示,英国女性出轨后后悔程度更高,约有一半有过出轨经历的英国女性表示后悔当初的行为,而只有28%的法国女性表示后悔。 (译者 arcadian 编辑 齐磊) 扫一扫,关注微博微信
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