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MH17 plane crash: Kerry points finger at Russia
查看原文 Mr Kerry called on Russia to take responsibility for the actions of the rebels, saying their handling of the dead had been "grotesque". All 298 people on flight MH17 died when it was reportedly hit by a missile. Russia has been accused of providing the rebels with an anti-aircraft system that was allegedly used in the attack. Earlier, the remains of up to 196 people were loaded on to refrigerated rail wagons in eastern Ukraine, to be taken to an unknown destination. Mr Kerry said the US had seen major military supplies moving into Ukraine from Russia in the last month, including a convoy of armoured personnel carriers, tanks and rocket launchers. 'Wake-up call' Intercepted calls suggested a Russian SA-11 missile system had been transferred to the rebels, Mr Kerry said, and the US had seen a video of a launcher being moved back into Russia after flight MH17 crashed. "There's [an] enormous amount of evidence that points to the involvement of Russia in providing these systems, training the people on them," Mr Kerry said on a US TV network. He also threatened further sanctions on Russia and called on European allies to get tougher with President Putin after the "wake-up call". Writing in a newspaper on Sunday, UK Prime Minister David Cameron said Europe and the West "must fundamentally change our approach to Russia" if Mr Putin "does not change his approach to Ukraine". ———— The indiscipline and chaos of the last two days have been replaced by the robust presence of former riot policemen who now form a cordon around the central area of the crash site. There is still no sign of the fully fledged independent investigation which is being demanded by the international community. During the morning local volunteers have been searching the fields. We have been told that their job is to pinpoint belongings and remains to the emergency services. But this could easily have the effect of disturbing evidence important to an inquiry. As for the strong words from British Prime Minister David Cameron attacking Russia they are likely to have little impact on the rebels here. They are contemptuous of the West and are much more concerned with the local military balance than with any warnings from London. ———— Bodies moved Mr Kerry's comments joined a chorus of anger directed at Russian President Vladimir Putin after the rebels in charge of the crash site restricted access to the plane's wreckage and its victims. The remains of up to 196 people were loaded on to refrigerated rail wagons at the crash site in Grabove on Sunday, three days after the Boeing 777 came down. The freight train is now standing at Torez railway station, 15km (nine miles) from the crash site. The carriages, with heavy closed doors, look like refrigeration units and there is the occasional smell normally associated with dead bodies, the BBC's Richard Galpin reports from Torez. Speaking in Donetsk, the biggest rebel-held city in the east, rebel leader Alexander Borodai said the bodies would remain in Torez until international aviation inspectors arrived. He said the bodies had been moved "out of respect for the families", adding: "We couldn't wait any longer because of the heat and also because there are many dogs and wild animals in the area." 'Site compromised' The rebels say they will hand over MH17's flight recorders to the International Civil Aviation Organization but the US state department said rebels had tampered with other potential evidence. Heavy machinery could be seen moving plane debris around at the crash site on Sunday. Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong-Lai, who arrived in Ukraine's capital Kiev at the weekend, said he was "very concerned" that the crash site had been "severely compromised". A Malaysian team of 133 officials and experts, comprising of search and recovery personnel, forensics experts, technical and medical experts have also arrived in Ukraine. But the government in Kiev says it has been unable to establish a safe corridor to the crash site for the group. Fighting remains ongoing in eastern Ukraine between the separatist rebels and government forces in a conflict which erupted in April and is believed to have claimed more than 1,000 lives. The passenger list released by Malaysia Airlines shows the plane was carrying 193 Dutch nationals, including one with dual US nationality. Other victims included 43 Malaysians (including 15 crew), 27 Australians, 12 Indonesians, 10 Britons, four Germans, four Belgians, three from the Philippines, and one from both Canada and New Zealand. Memorial services and vigils were held on Sunday in many countries, including Australia, Malaysia and the Netherlands. |
美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)表示,有大量证据显示俄罗斯与乌克兰叛军同谋击落马航客机。 克里要求俄罗斯对叛军的行为负责任,并表示叛军处理罹难者遗骸的方式“荒唐可笑的”。 据报道称,MH17航班是由导弹击落,机上298名乘客全部罹难。 俄罗斯被指向乌克兰叛军提供防空导弹系统,而叛军涉嫌使用该导弹系统袭击马航MH17航班。 早些时刻,196名乘客的遗体装载到乌克兰东部的铁路冷藏车厢上,运往何处不得而知。 克里先生,美国在六月份发现有大批军事物资从俄罗斯运入乌克兰,其中包括一装甲运兵车队,坦克和火箭发射装置。 “敲响警钟” 克里表示,拦截的电话通话表明,一俄罗斯SA-11导弹系统已转移至乌克兰叛军,同时,美国也看到一视频,火箭发射装置马航MH17航班坠毁之后运回俄罗斯。 克里在一美国电视网上说道:“大量证据指证俄罗斯涉嫌提供了这些提供导弹系统,对操作人员提供培训。” 他还出言威胁要进一步制裁俄罗斯,并号召欧洲各盟国在俄罗斯“警钟敲响”之后,一起对普京采取强硬态度。 7月20日本周日,英国首相戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)在报纸上撰文称,如果普京总统“没有改变对乌克兰的策略”,欧洲和西方各国“必须从本质上改变对俄战略”。 ———— 失事现场:英国广播公司新闻频道记者弗加尔·基恩(Fergal Keane)发自坠机现场的报道: 前防暴警察坐镇指挥,稳定局面,在坠机现场中心区域拉起警戒线,结束了过去两天的混乱无序。 目前仍无法确定,国际社会能展开全面单独的调查。 21日早晨,当地志愿者在田野区域展开搜寻。他们告诉我们,主要任务是进行紧急服务,寻找遇难者的行李和遗骸。但是,这很容易妨碍调查员搜寻重要证据。 至于英国首相戴维·卡梅伦攻击俄罗斯的强硬言语,这似乎对乌克兰的叛军毫无影响。他们蔑视西方国家,对伦敦政府的警告不屑一顾,而更关注当地的军事制衡。 ———— 搬运遗体 乌克兰叛军控制了马航坠机现场,限制观察人员靠近坠机残骸和遇难者遗体,因而克里言语中饱含愤怒,指责俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京。 7月21日,在这艘波音777客机坠毁三天之后,该航班上196名乘客的遗体被装载到格拉博沃坠机现场的铁路冷藏车厢上。 目前,该铁路列车正停靠在多列士火车站,距离坠机现场15公里。 英国广播公司的理查德·加尔平(Richard Galpin)从多列士报道称,这些车厢车门紧锁,看来确实配备冷库,但现场偶尔还能嗅到尸体的腐臭味。 在乌克兰叛军在东部控制的最大城市顿涅茨克(Donetsk),叛军头目亚历山大·博罗戴(Alexander Borodai)称,在国际航空调查人员抵达之前,这些遗体搁置在多列士。 他表示,搬运这些遗体是“出于对遇难者家人的尊重”,并说道:“我们无法再等待,因为气温过高,也因为该地区有许多狗和野兽出没。” “破坏现场” 乌克兰叛军表示,他们会将马航MH17航班的飞行记录器移交给国际民航组织(the International Civil Aviation Organization),但是,美国国务院却称,乌克兰叛军篡改销毁了其他潜在证据。 21日,坠机现场可见重型机械搬动客机残骸。 马来西亚交通部长廖中莱(Liow Tiong-Lai)在周末抵达乌克兰首都基辅。他表示,坠机现场已遭“严重破坏”,对此他“极其关注”。 133名官员和专家组成的马来西亚团队也已经抵达乌克兰。该团队还包括搜救人员、法医专家、技术和医学专家。 但是,乌克兰政府表示,它无法为该团队开辟一条通往坠机现场的安全走廊。 乌克兰叛军分裂势力和政府军之间的斗争冲突四月份爆发以来,在乌克兰东部不断升级,据信这场冲突已经牺牲了1000多人。 马来西亚航空公司公布了罹难乘客名单。该名单显示此客机运载了193名荷兰公民,其中包括一名具有荷兰和美国双重国籍的乘客。 其他遇难者包括43名马来西亚人(其中包括15名机组人员)、27名澳大利亚人、12名印度尼西亚人、10名英国人、4名德国人、4名比利时人、3名菲律宾人以及一名具有加拿大和新西兰双重国籍的乘客。 21日,澳大利亚,马来西亚和荷兰等国家都举办了追悼会以及烛光守夜活动。 (译者 bessie11 编辑 丹妮) 扫一扫,关注微博微信
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