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Woman, 30, changes name to log in to Facebook
A woman has told how she has been forced to change her name by deed poll to match her "ridiculous" Facebook pseudonym after being locked out of her account.
Jemma Rogers, 30, a holistic therapist, from Lewisham, south-east London, set up a profile on the social network in 2008.
现年30岁的杰玛•罗杰斯(Jemma Rogers)来自伦敦东南部刘易舍姆区,是一名整体治疗师。2008年她在脸书上创建了个人主页。
Wanting to avoid annoying friend requests from old friends and strangers, she created the profile under the pseudonym Jemmaroid Von Laalaa.
But last month she got a message from Facebook asking her to send identification to prove it was a genuine name and account.
Confused but worried she'd be locked out, Jemma admits she desperately tried to photoshop her bank cards to prove that was her real name.
One day later, Jemma's account was suspended and she couldn't get in.
She emailed Facebook explaining what she'd done and sent over her real ID - begging them to let her back in.
But she was told they could not confirm her identity and her account was suspended.
In a desperate bid to get the profile back, she changed her name by deed poll and is now officially Ms Von Laalaa.
What's more, despite her extreme efforts, she's still locked out of her account even after sending over her new ID to Facebook.
Jemma, who's single, said: "I know I've been a completely moron, but Facebook are being ridiculous. I've been locked out of my account for five weeks now and have lost all of my photos, messages and precious memories.
"So many people set up accounts in fake names so random people can't add them or so they don't have to awkwardly decline requests from people they know but don't want to be 'friends' with.
"But Facebook have been over the top, they should be able to tell it's a genuine account but just under a fake name, I can't believe I am being punished like this."
Poor Jemma has even had to order bank cards and a driving license with her new name on them.
Despite sending the documents over to Facebook, she has only received automated responses saying they will 'look into' her problem.
She said: "I can't believe I'm stuck with this stupid name and I still can't get into my Facebook.
"It's hard to speak to a human being as well, all I get is computerised messages back, it's so frustrating.“想要得到他们的人工回复比登天还难,只有系统的自动回复,太令人失望了。”
"It's ludicrous and I am embarrassed to tell people what has happened.
"What if a victim of abuse wants to have Facebook but doesn't want people to find her, so sets it up with a pseudonym? Facebook have too much power and it's actually quite scary."
Commenting on the news, a Facebook spokesperson said: “Facebook asks people to use their authentic names, as we believe this makes people more accountable for what they say. In this instance we made a mistake but we reactivated the account last week. We apologise for any inconvenience that this caused."
holistic therapist:整体治疗师
英文来源 :每日电讯报
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