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4. Life of Pi By Yann Martel; 326 pages
Because we can't resist a didn't-see-it-coming spiritual punch.
The novel asked us to think how we endure tragedy, who we become in its wake and how, within it, we may just find both the terrifying and the miraculous.
5. The Fault in Our Stars By John Green; 336 pages
Because we all need to feel first love again; even if we know the horrible sob-fest to come at the end.
Sixteen-year-old Hazel faces terminal cancer with humor and pluck. But it isn't until she meets Augustus in a support group that she understands how to love or live fully.
注:书名来自莎士比亚戏剧《凯撒大帝》(Julius Caesar)第一幕第二场,凯撒说:“亲爱的布鲁特斯,错误并不在于命运,而在于我们自己。”(The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves.)
The novel asked us to think how we enduretragedy, who we become in its wake and how, within it, we may just find both the terrifying and the miraculous.
6. Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China By Jung Chang; 538 pages
Because we got a literary visa to a long-hidden part of the world.
Chang's memoir reads like a blockbuster multigenerational novel, but it's true. Through the portrait of her family, Chang paints a picture of mid-20th-century China, the suffering of its people and the resilience of women everywhere.
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