中国日报网 2014-03-27 09:29
演艺圈的一线明星从来不缺关注,他们拥有众多粉丝,他们的一举一动都被媒体追踪报道。不过,在他们的星光背后还有一群不太被人关注的明星,他们可能要费尽周折才能赢得一点点曝光率。如果一线明星是A-list celebrity的话,那么这些不被关注的明星就是Z-list celebrity。
A Z-list celebrity typically has no national following whatsoever. Usually, these are the entertainers who have achieved local fame, or have only starred in one thing in their acting career. They consider themselves to be a celebrity when they really aren't, they are the stereotypical "one hit wonder". They would get everywhere on TV or make some controversial remarks on other celebrities publicly in order to get noticed.
末流明星(Z-list celebrity)一般没有全国性的知名度,他们通常只是在当地有点名气的艺人,或是整个演艺生涯只出演过一部作品。他们自认为是名人,但其实并不是,他们是典型的“昙花一现”。为了赢得关注,他们会参加各种电视节目或者针对其他名人公开发表一些有争议的言论。
For example:
What is the list of z-list celebrities on this season's Dancing with the Stars?
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)