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住酒店时可以用到的中文 Handy Chinese phrases to solve hotel room problems

That's Mandarin 2024-09-02 17:08



When traveling in China, handling simple tasks like addressing hotel room issues can be a little challenging.


To make your travels easier, let's learn some simple Chinese phrases to help you solve common problems in your hotel room.


01. Ask for a Wifi Password


If you need to access the internet in your hotel room, asking for the Wi-Fi password is simple. You can say:

WiFi mì mǎ shì shén me?
What is the WiFi password?



If you're having slow internet or connection issues with the Wi-Fi, you can use this phrase to address the problem:

Wi-Fi 很慢。
Wi-Fi hěn màn.
The Wi-Fi is very slow.


02. Fix Broken Things/Appliances


If you discover something is broken in your room, the structure "noun + 坏了 huài le" can be applied to any hotel facility that doesn't function properly. For example:

Diàn shì huài le.
The TV is broken.


Meanwhile, the easiest way to ask the receptionist to send someone for repairs is to simply say:

Nǐ kě yǐ xiū yī xià ma?
Can you fix it, please?



If something is wrong with electrical appliances, you can use "noun + 打不开 (dǎ bu kāi)" for "won't turn on" or "noun + 关不上 (guān bu shàng)" for "won't switch off." Here are a few examples:

Dēng dǎ bù kāi.
The lights won't turn on.

Kòng tiáo guān bù shàng.
The AC won't turn off.


03. Request Missing Things


The word "没有 méi yǒu" means "not to have", therefore, one can easily tell that this structure comes in handy when you need something that you can't find in your room.

méi yǒu……
There is no…



For instance, sometimes hot water might not be available due to unknown reasons, and in this case, you can tell the receptionist:

Wǒ de fáng jiān méi yǒu rè shuǐ.
There is no hot water in my room.


04. Housekeeping Requests


Whether you need extra towels, additional toiletries, or simply want your room cleaned, here are some helpful phrases to request housekeeping services in a hotel:

Qǐng dǎ sǎo wǒ de fáng jiān.
Please clean my room.



Sometimes you may need additional items or services from housekeeping. Here's how to ask:

Kě yǐ zài gěi wǒ jǐ tiáo máo jīn ma?
Can you give me a few more towels?

Wǒ xū yào gèng duō de wèi shēng zhǐ.
I need more toilet paper.

Wǒ kě yǐ yào yī gè zhěn tou ma?
Can I have a pillow?


05. Ask for a Personal Hygiene Kit


Sometimes, it's easy to forget personal hygiene items when packing for a trip.

gè rén wèi shēng yòng pǐn
personal hygiene products

Fortunately, many hotels can provide these essentials upon request. Here's how to ask the reception for a personal hygiene kit in Chinese:

Wǒ wàng le dài gè rén wèi shēng yòng pǐn,
I forgot to bring my personal hygiene items.

qǐng wèn nǐ men kě yǐ tí gōng ma?
can you provide them, please?


06. Complain for a Noisy/Smelly Room


If you find yourself in a hotel room that's either too noisy or has an unpleasant smell, here's how you can describe these problems and request a solution in Chinese:

Wǒ de fáng jiān tài chǎo le.
My room is too noisy.

Wǒ de fáng jiān lǐ yǒu qí guài de qì wèi.
There's a strange smell in my room.


To ask the hotel staff to solve the problem or move you to another room, you can say:

Nǐ men néng chǔ lǐ yī xià zhè ge wèn tí ma?
Can you handle this issue?

Wǒ kě yǐ huàn yī gè fáng jiān ma?
Can I change to another room?


07. Ask for a Room Service


When staying at a hotel, there are times when you might not feel like going out to eat. In such cases, you can opt for room service:

Kě yǐ sòng cān ma?
Is room service available?
Literally "Can-deliver-food-ma?'


Another way to ask the same question in Chinese would be:

Yǒu sòng cān fú wù ma?
Is there a food delivery service?


来源:That's Mandarin

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