中国日报网 2015-03-17 14:52

Primary school students in Hefei, Anhui province, mark the start of a new semester on March 2. An overall plan for soccer reform and development was unveiled on Monday, including expanding the soccer system in schools. [Photo/Xinhua]
An overall reform plan to boost the development of soccer in China has been issued by the State Council General Office. One important feature of the soccer reform plan is to streamline the sport's widely criticized counterproductive management system.
足改方案soccer reform plan 指的就是《中国足球改革发展总体方案》(overall reform plan to boost the development of soccer in China),《方案》指出,发展振兴足球是建设体育强国(build a sports power)的必然要求。
《方案》要求半行政化的中国足协(semi-administrative China Football Association )与国家体育总局( General Administration of Sport of China)分离,使足协成为一个成熟的非政府组织(a full-fledged nongovernmental organization)。体育彩票(sports lottery)将用来增加投资促进足球业发展,增设两个国家级足球训练中心( soccer training centers)。
中国是世界第二大经济体,中国足球长期以来却一直受假球( match-fixing)、官僚作风和腐败(bureaucratic ineptitude and corruption)、成绩差等问题的困扰。此次足改方案大刀阔斧,不能说仅仅是为足球而改的,方案本身涉及到了体制机制改革,可以视作中国全面深化改革的一部分。
(中国日报网英语点津 刘秀红)