毕业季经历“青年危机”? <img src="/data/attachement/jpg/site1/20150625/00221910993f16f5b50a1b.jpg" border="0" />
中国日报网 2015-06-25 11:05
经常会听到年长的人说正在经历“上有老,下有小”的“中年危机”(mid-life crisis),自己累得一塌糊涂,结果还可能四处不讨好。而眼下在闹危机的似乎不仅是中年人了。刚走出大学校门的年轻人也在经历着属于他们的quarterlife crisis(青年危机):就业、考研、家庭、感情纠结着让他们找不到方向。
Quarterlife crisis refers to feelings of confusion, anxiety, and self-doubt experienced by some people in their twenties, especially after completing their education. The term is named by analogy with mid-life crisis.
Quarterlife crisis(青年危机)指二十几岁的年轻人,尤其在刚刚完成学业后,经历的迷茫、焦虑及自我怀疑等情绪。这是仿照mid-life crisis(中年危机)这个说法来定义的。
The quarterlife crisis variation was popularized by a book called Quarterlife Crisis: The Unique Challenges of Life in Your Twenties, by Alexandra Robbins and Abby Wilner, which was published in May, 2001.
Quarterlife crisis 这一说法在2001年5月由亚历山大•罗宾斯和艾比•维尔纳合著的名为《青年危机:你二十几岁时独特的生活挑战》的书出版后开始被广泛使用。
I struggled with anxiety, panic, and fear for some time, never knowing it was driven by my quarterlife crisis.
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)