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中国日报网 2015-07-13 10:55




Plans for stronger economic corridor moving forward

Russia's President Vladimir Putin (L) shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Ufa, Russia, July 10, 2015. [Photo/Agencies]


The two countries should use the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation as a key platform to integrate China's Silk Road initiatives and Russia's aspirations under the Eurasian Economic Union framework.

BRICS states need to speed up the preparation of the new development bank and contingency reserve to build a stronger BRICS community.

Both sides should maintain a high level of strategic cooperation within the SCO framework, and take effective measures to crack down on terrorism and drug crimes.



China, S. Africa eye greater role for BRICS in int'l affairs

Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with South African President Jacob Zuma in Ufa, Russia, July 9, 2015.[Photo/Xinhua]


China is willing to strengthen cooperation with South Africa within the mechanism of BRICS, in an effort to better build the BRICS countries, while enabling them to play a constructive role in international affairs.

The ties between China and South Africa are at their best time in history, with strong development momentum.

China and South Africa have scored tangible results in strategic cooperation in important sectors, which significantly enriched the connotation of the comprehensive strategic partnership between them.

China is willing to enhance coordination and cooperation with South Africa, with special focus on such areas as marine economy, production capacity, special economic zone, energy and finance, so as to translate the bilateral friendship and political mutual trust into tangible cooperation results and better benefit the two peoples.

I am delighted to see that China and South Africa have maintained sound communication and coordination on major international issues.

China is willing to join hands with Africa in translating their friendship into cooperation and development momentum, so as to achieve win-win results and common development.

China is willing to work with South Africa to make the FOCAC meeting a grand gathering for strengthening China-Africa solidarity and charting out the future of their cooperation.



Xi calls for joint efforts in building stronger BRICS partnership

Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) shakes hands with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Ufa, Russia, July 8, 2015. [Photo/Xinhua]


China and India, both as staunch supporters and active builders of the BRICS mechanism, work together to forge a closer, more comprehensive and firmer partnership within the emerging-market framework, so as to enable the BRICS countries to play a positive and constructive role and contribute more to world peace and development.

The two countries should maintain high-level contact, strengthen multi-level strategic communication, complete feasibility study on major cooperation projects as scheduled and build flagship bilateral cooperation projects.

The two sides should solidly implement the China-India cultural exchange program and beef up think-tank, media and local-level cooperation.

China and India should make joint efforts to push forward the development of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar economic corridor.



Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in Ufa, Russia, July 9, 2015. [Photo/Xinhua]


China-Brazil comprehensive strategic partnership have made a constant and rapid development over recent years, the two countries have become "good friends" and "good partners" featuring win-win cooperation and common development.

The two sides have maintained frequent high-level exchanges, constantly scored new achievements in mutually beneficial cooperation and had close dialogue and coordination in major international and regional affairs.

China always attaches great importance to and advances the China-Brazil ties from a strategic height, adding that China is willing to work together with Brazil to cement multi-faceted exchanges, constantly improve economic and trade cooperation, optimize trade structure, facilitate constant and stable growth of bilateral trade, enhance industrial investment cooperation in the sectors such as infrastructure construction, oil and gas, electricity, clean energy, equipment manufacturing, as well as agriculture and cement financial cooperation.

China is willing to closely coordinate with Brazil in international organizations and under multilateral frameworks, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Group of 20 and BRICS, so as to jointly promote the international system to be fairer and more reasonable and safeguard the overall interests of developing countries.

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