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中国网 2015-09-07 13:14



Over the past 50 years, under the firm leadership of the CPC and the central government, great changes have taken place in Tibet through implementing regional ethnic autonomy, achieving a historical leapfrog from a backward, impoverished, and isolated society into one which is now progressing, prospering, and open. Practice has fully demonstrated that regional ethnic autonomy is a requirement for Tibet's development and progress, and conforms to the fundamental interests of all ethnic groups in Tibet. This system fits China's national conditions and the reality of Tibet, and is thus the right choice for Tibet.

The Region's ethnic autonomy helps people of all ethnic groups in Tibet become their own masters and enjoy full democratic and extensive economic, social and cultural rights. Over the years, the 14th Dalai Lama clique, in plotting towards "Tibetan independence," has constantly preached the "middle way," peddled the concept of a "Greater Tibet," and lobbied for "a high degree of autonomy," so negating regional ethnic autonomy and its contribution to Tibet's progress. The 14th Dalai group's separatist activities violate the Constitution of China and its state system, and greatly damage the fundamental interests of all ethnic groups in Tibet, which is why they have met strong opposition from all Chinese people, including those of all ethnic groups in Tibet, and hence why they are doomed to fail.

当前,西藏各族人民正与全国人民一道,为全面建成小康社会、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而奋斗。随着中国特色社会主义建设事业的不断发展,民族区域自治制度必将进一步发展和完善,西藏各族人民必将在更高的起点上谱写当家作主的新篇章。 Currently, people of all ethnic groups in Tibet are working hard, along with the whole nation, to build China into a prosperous society in all respects and realize the great dream of rejuvenating the Chinese nation. With the advance of the socialist undertaking with Chinese characteristics, the system of regional ethnic autonomy will be further developed and improved, enabling people of all ethnic groups in Tibet to be their own masters at an even higher level.


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