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习近平十论中美新型大国关系 10 quotes from Xi Jinping on new model of China-US relationship

中国日报网 2015-09-18 08:59


6. 不能被问题牵着鼻子走

The building of a new model of major country relationship between China and the United States is an unprecedented and innovative endeavor. There is no ready experience or model to follow and it is natural that some difficulties and even setbacks may occur. When faced with problems, what is crucial is that we work together to resolve them instead of simply finding the problem fearsome or letting it take over.

As long as we uphold mutual respect, seek common ground while resolving differences, be firm in our determination, and remain unperturbed by individual incidents or particular comments, we will be able to keep the overall China-US relations on a firm footing despite the ups and downs that may come our way.


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