中国日报网 2015-10-28 10:10
The People's Bank of China announced on Friday it was cutting both interest rates and the reserve requirement ratio again to boost the economy. It has thus been suggested that China has formally stepped into "the era of negative interest rates" again, which would be the fourth time since the 1990s.
“负利率时代”可以用the era of negative interest rates表示,所谓负利率(negative interest rates)是指通货膨胀率(inflation rate)高过银行存款利率(deposit rate)。与之相对的是正利率(positive interest rates)。
经历“霜降”前的降息降准“双降”后,目前一年期存款利率已经降低至1.5%,而国家统计局公布的2015年8、9月CPI指数分别为2%、1.6%,连续两个月实际CPI高于一年期存款基准利率(benchmark one-year deposit rates)意味着中国正式进入到“负利率时代”。
但央行调统司司长盛松成26日指出,数据表明,本次降息后,10月24日-10月26日,商业银行新吸收的一年期定期存款实际加权平均利率(weighted average interest rate)为2.02%,高于9月份CPI同比涨幅0.42个百分点。综合考虑各经济主体的投资理财行为,当前存款替代产品收益率( the rate of return of alternative saving products)普遍高于银行存款利率,更显著高于同期CPI水平。总体判断,目前我国仍处于“正利率”时期(in a period of "positive interest rates")。
(中国日报网英语点津 刘秀红)