停不下来的“自助餐动力” <img src="/data/attachement/jpg/site1/20160127/00221910993f181262f00d.jpg" border="0" />
中国日报网 2016-01-27 09:35
很多人说吃自助餐都是“扶墙进,扶墙出”,进去的时候快饿死了,出来的时候快撑死了。反正,进了自助餐厅,不玩命吃好像就不正常似的。这股子猛吃的动力因此也就得名“自助餐动力”(buffet momentum)。
Buffet momentum is the lack of self-restraint one experiences after having started eating at a buffet. This phenomenon causes a person to consume above and beyond what comprises a regularly sized meal. This feeling usually occurs in the first fifteen minutes of the buffet and is further perpetuated by:
Buffet momentum指在自助餐厅开吃以后就难以自制,不停要吃东西的情形,即“自助餐动力”。这种动力会让人吃下远远超出常规饭量的食物。“自助餐动力”一般出现在自助餐开始的前15分钟,然后会通过以下的方式延续:
a) remembering something delicious that you saw earlier and didn't have room on your plate for
b) wanting more of something you just tried
c) the desire to make the price you paid worthwhile
d) the need to illustrate to your friends that your stomach is indeed a bottomless pit.
For example:
"Wow, I just consumed three plates of food. Maybe we should wait a while before hitting up the dessert table."
"I disagree. In about 10 minutes my stomach is going to realize that it's full, so I think I'll just make use of the buffet momentum that I've developed and get dessert right now."
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)