京津冀职称将互认 京冀医疗机构互认
中国日报网 2016-11-01 14:32
Medical institutes and human-resource services will be further integrated in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province, making life easier for residents of the key city cluster.
The three members of the cluster will recognize each other's medical institutes for insurance reimbursement as well as standard human-resource services, two key aspects to further integrate the unevenly developed region.
The move was confirmed in an agreement signed on Oct 27 by the human resources and social security authorities of the three local governments to promote mutual recognition of their medical institutes and human-resource services.
医疗和人力资源服务(medical and human-resource services)是区域融合发展的重要领域,能够让居民的工作和生活更加便利。
10月27日,河北省人社厅分别与北京和天津的人社部门签署《推动人力资源和社会保障深化合作协议》《专业技术人员职称资格互认协议》等系列协议。协议规定,京冀两地将互认9075家定点医疗机构,在两地长期驻外和退休后异地安置的基本医疗保险参保人员都可从这9075家定点医疗机构中选择自己在异地就医的定点医院,在国家异地就医直接结算平台(national platform for medical insurance reimbursement)连通前,京冀两地共同为异地就业人员开辟就医报销绿色通道,力争实现票据提交当天就完成审核(all medical receipts will be reviewed within one day),未来将实现异地就医现场医保结算(on-site medical insurance reimbursement)。
另外,京冀两地还将力推人力资源服务标准的统一(Beijing and Hebei will have standard operations for human-resource services),今后,两地的2152家人力资源服务机构将按统一标准,提供职业介绍(talent recruitment)、职业培训(vocational training)、流动人员人事档案管理(file management)、人事劳动事务代理(labor and workforce agency)等一系列人力资源服务。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)