吃太饱“食物昏迷”? <img src="/data/attachement/jpg/site1/20170206/64006a47a40a1a02223a04.jpg" border="0" />
中国日报网 2017-02-06 10:05
You've just finished a big meal, and you're stuffed. You're thinking of taking a walk or even a stretch before clearing the table, but the thought of just getting out of your chair seems like a challenge.
The idea of taking a snooze on the couch seems more and more appealing.
Sounds familiar? There's a name for it: It's called postprandial somnolence -- commonly referred to as "food coma." The phenomenon refers to the tired, sleepy feeling that many of us experience after eating a big meal.
Food coma refers to the feeling of listlessness, bordering on sleep, that one feels after eating a large meal, often caused by a rush of blood to the stomach and intestines during food digestion.
You're not at risk of falling into a food coma if you're just having a few bites of a snack, though.
(中国日报网英语点津 yaning)