中国日报网 2017-05-08 13:05
Tourists visit the Palace Museum in Beijing, May 6, 2017. [Photo/VCG] |
The Palace Museum in Beijing, also known as the Forbidden City, will expand the sale of online tickets on a trial basis from July to October.
After the trial period, the Palace Museum will decide whether to phase out the sale of paper tickets and sell all tickets via the internet.
故宫博物院的网络售票系统(online ticket/booking system)于2011年9月开通,不过一直实行以预售(ticket booking in advance)为主的网络售票政策。也就是说,游客在网络上购买的只能是之后几天的游览门票,如果想当天入院,仍需在故宫门口售票处购买纸质门票。
全网络售票试点(the trial of online-only ticket sale)开始之后,故宫博物院计划在不关闭现场售票窗口的前提下,实行网售当日票(same-day tickets sale online),逐步放开网络预售票额限制。同时,拟在淡季(off season)及未达到8万人限流标准的前提下,开放当日网上购买门票,引导和鼓励观众当日在网上购票参观。
今后,有线上支付能力但不熟悉网络购票(those who have access to online payment but are not familiar with the online ticket system)和有家人或朋友可以代其完成网络购票的观众(those who can get tickets with the help of family or friends),可通过电子屏幕和现场咨询引导完成购票;对既不具备线上支付能力、又没有家人或朋友能代其购票、但是坚持要入院参观的观众,可由现场工作人员引导至综合服务窗口,由服务人员代为完成购票工作,并打印二维码,扫码入院。
最近几年,故宫博物院有过不少亲近网络的举动,比如,开网店出售文化创意产品(creative cultural products)、紧跟热点推出古装版大白形象、推出皇家同款珠宝系列产品(jewelry series that replicates the fashion styles of ancient empresses),等等。
此次试点全网络售票,除了方便游客随时随地购票以外,也能分时段控制客流(control the number of visitors during different time periods),为游客提供更加宽松的游览氛围。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)