中国日报网 2017-05-17 10:34


The trading platform, called Bond Connect, would operate alongside the two existing cross-border Stock Connect programs between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, in a sign of the nation's determination to make its capital market more global.
“债券通”(Bond Connect)是指境内外投资者通过香港与内地债券市场基础设施机构连接,买卖两个市场交易流通债券的机制安排。
初期先开通“北向通”(northbound trading),即香港及其他国家与地区的境外投资者经由香港与内地基础设施机构之间在交易、托管、结算等方面互联互通的机制安排,投资于内地银行间债券市场(allowing Hong Kong and other overseas investors to invest in the China Interbank Bond Market through mutual access between the financial infrastructure institutions in Hong Kong and the mainland with regard to trading, custody, and settlement)。
未来将适时研究扩展至“南向通”(southbound trading),即境内投资者经由两地基础设施机构之间的互联互通机制安排,投资于香港债券市场(allowing mainland investors to invest in Hong Kong's bond market through mutual access between the financial infrastructure institutions of the two places)。
联合公告指出,“债券通”是中央政府支持香港发展、推动内地和香港合作的重要举措,有利于巩固与提升香港国际金融中心地位(cementing the city's position as a world-renowned financial center),有利于稳步推动我国金融市场对外开放(further opening up the financial market),有利于香港的长期繁荣稳定(ensuring its long-term prosperity and stability)。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)