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中国日报双语新闻微信 2018-04-19 09:13






新华社记者 谢环驰 摄



Here I solemnly announce that the Communist Party of China Central Committee has decided to support Hainan in developing the whole island into a pilot free trade zone, and gradually exploring and steadily promoting the establishment of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics.





It is a major decision that involves in-depth research and overall planning by the CPC Central Committee, and it underlines China's commitment to expanding opening-up and promoting economic globalization, Xi said.


China welcomes investors worldwide to invest and start businesses in Hainan and participate in the building of a free trade port, thus sharing the country's development opportunities and outcomes of its reform, Xi said.



希望海南广大干部群众抓住机遇、再接再厉,以供给侧结构性改革为主线,建设自由贸易试验区和中国特色自由贸易港,发挥自身优势,大胆探索创新,着力打造全面深化改革开放试验区(a pilot zone for deepening reform and opening-up on all fronts)、国家生态文明试验区( a pilot national ecological zone)、国际旅游消费中心(an international tourism and consumption center)、国家重大战略服务保障区(a major national strategic logistics zone),争创新时代中国特色社会主义生动范例(a vivid example of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era),让海南成为展示中国风范、中国气派、中国形象的靓丽名片。





✩ 海南发展不能以转口贸易和加工制造为重点,而要以发展旅游业、现代服务业、高新技术产业为主导。

Hainan should focus on tourism, modern services, and high-tech sectors instead of intermediary trade and manufacturing.

✩ 加强同“一带一路”沿线国家和地区开展多层次、多领域的务实合作,建设21世纪海上丝绸之路的文化、教育、农业、旅游等交流平台。

Hainan should conduct multi-level and multi-field cooperation with countries and regions along the Belt and Road and facilitate exchanges in culture, education, agriculture, and tourism.


✩ 海南要站在更高起点谋划和推进改革,下大气力破除体制机制弊端,不断解放和发展社会生产力。

Reform will be advanced from a higher starting point in Hainan. Increased efforts should be made to remove the disadvantages of the existing system and mechanism.

✩ 加快推进城乡融合发展体制机制、人才体制、财税金融体制、收入分配制度、国有企业等方面的改革,形成更加成熟更加定型的制度体系。

Urban and rural integration should be accelerated and the reforms of talent, fiscal, tax, financial, and income distribution mechanisms, as well as state-owned enterprises should be deepened to form a more mature and complete system in Hainan.

✩ 支持海南设立国际能源、航运、大宗商品、产权、股权、碳排放权等交易场所。

The central government will support Hainan in establishing trading venues for global energy, shipping, commodities, property, equity, and carbon emission rights.


✩ 海南要坚决贯彻新发展理念,建设现代化经济体系,在推动经济高质量发展方面走在全国前列。

Hainan should resolutely implement the new development concept to build a modernized economy and come to the forefront of promoting high-quality economic development.

✩ 要积极发展新一代信息技术产业和数字经济,推动互联网、物联网、大数据、卫星导航、人工智能同实体经济深度融合。

The island should develop new-generation information technology and the digital economy and integrate the latest technologies like big data, internet and artificial intelligence with the real economy.

✩ 要重点发展旅游、互联网、医疗健康、金融、会展等现代服务业,形成以服务型经济为主的产业结构。

Modern services including medical care and finance should be a major pillar of Hainan's economy, especially tourism.

✩ 要实施更加开放便利的离岛免税购物政策,实现离岛旅客全覆盖,提高免税购物限额。

China plans to make the offshore duty-free shopping policy in Hainan to cover all outbound tourists.

✩ 发挥热带地区气候优势,做强做优热带特色高效农业。

Hainan should make full use of its unique resources to develop tropical agriculture.

✩ 打造国家热带农业科学中心。

China also aims to make the province home to the country's bases for tropical agricultural science and industry.


✩ 党中央决定,支持海南建设国家生态文明试验区,要实行最严格的生态环境保护制度。

The CPC Central Committee has decided to support the province to build a national ecological development pilot zone, with the strictest ecological and environmental protection mechanism.

✩ 率先建立现代生态环境和资源保护监管体制,积极开展国家公园体制试点,建设热带雨林等国家公园。

Hainan will be a pioneer in establishing a modern system for supervising ecological environment and resource conservation and will undertake the piloting of the national park system, building national parks that will include tropical rainforest.


✩ 鼓励国内知名高校和研究机构在海南设立分支机构,鼓励海南引进境外优质教育资源。

The country encourages key universities and research institutes at home to set up branches in Hainan, and encourages Hainan to introduce high-quality education resources from abroad.

✩ 允许外籍和港澳台地区技术技能人员按规定在海南就业、永久居留。

Technical personnel and those with professional skills from foreign countries as well as those from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, will be allowed to work and apply for permanent residence permits in Hainan.

✩ 允许在中国高等院校获得硕士及以上学位的优秀外国留学生在海南就业创业。

Overseas students with master's degrees or above from Chinese universities will be allowed to work or start businesses in Hainan.

✩ 支持海南探索建立吸引外国高技术人才的管理制度。

China will support the province to establish management systems for recruitment of high-tech personnel from overseas and develop a more open mechanism in this regard.

参考:新华社 人民日报 中国日报


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