CHINADAILY手机报 2018-07-21 08:30

一周新闻热词榜,一网打尽trending news。CHINADAILY手机报新一期热词榜发榜啦!

1. 催生二孩
encourage families to have a second child
A number of regions across China have granted extended benefits to local couples as part of efforts to encourage families to have a second child.
自2016年全面二孩政策(universal two-child policy)出台以来,二孩出生增长显著。然而,二孩政策还未得到育龄人群(couples of childbearing age)的普遍响应,许多人并非不愿意生,而是担心经济上负担不起两个孩子(cannot afford the economic burden of raising two kids)。
自2017年以来,全国多个地方相继出台"二孩奖励政策(two children incentive policies)"。据报道,在全国规定的98天产假(the 98 days of nationally-mandated maternity leave)的基础上,31个省区市延长产假(extend the maternity leave)至138-158天不等。男方允许享有陪护假(paternity leave)15至30天。此外,许多地方政府还给二孩家庭发放生育津贴(childbirth allowance)、医疗服务等更多福利。在新疆维吾尔自治区的石河子市,二孩妈妈还可获得1000元的补助和3年的奶粉补贴(subsidies for baby milk formula)。湖北省仙桃市为二孩妈妈提供生殖医疗服务补贴(subsidized reproductive medical services)。辽宁省也正在考虑引入奖励二孩家庭的相关政策。
产前假 pre-natal leave
延长哺乳假 extended breastfeeding leave
妇产医院 maternity hospital
婴儿潮 baby boom
2. 小学课程
primary-school-level lessons
Kindergartens will no longer be allowed to teach young children primary-school-level lessons, the Ministry of Education announced. Banned subjects include primary-school-level Chinese language, mathematics and English coursework.
教育部近日发文,严禁幼儿园教授小学课程内容(teach lessons intended for primary school students)。对于提前教授汉语拼音、识字、计算、英语等小学课程内容的,要坚决予以禁止。对于幼儿园布置幼儿完成小学内容家庭作业、组织小学内容有关考试测验的,要坚决予以纠正。社会培训机构(private training institutions)也不得以学前班、幼小衔接等名义提前教授小学内容。
教育部还提出要纠正"小学化"教育方式,幼儿园将以游戏为基本活动(playing games will be the basic activity in kindergartens);整治"小学化"教育环境,创设开放的、多样的区域活动空间(open and multi-purpose areas for different activities),并配备必要的符合幼儿年龄特点的玩教具、游戏材料、图画书;对于不具备幼儿园教师资格的,要督促其参加专业技能补偿培训并通过考试取得幼儿园教师资格证(teaching certificate),仍不能取得教师资格的,要限期予以调整;小学坚持零起点教学,坚决纠正在招生中面向幼儿组织小学内容的知识能力测试,或以幼儿参加有关竞赛成绩及证书作为招生依据(admission to primary school should not refer to any test or contest result)。
学龄儿童 school-age children, children of school age
早期教育 early education
课外培训机构 after-school training institutions
学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden
超纲教学 teaching beyond the syllabus
就近入学 be admitted to neighborhood primary schools
3. 黄金签
golden visa
Despite Brexit uncertainty, UK "golden visa" applications jumped 46% in the year to March 31.
"黄金签(golden visa)"又叫作"一级投资签证(tier 1 investor visa)",这类签证要求在英国投资200万英镑或以上资产,以换取在英国居住和工作的权利(invest £2m or more for the privilege of living and working in the UK)。专为全球超级富豪(the global super-rich)提供建议的英国律师事务所Collyer Bristow发布消息称,在截至今年3月31日的过去一年内,405名投资移民申请一级签证,比一年前增加46%,其中土耳其和俄罗斯的申请者增幅最大。
Collyer Bristow律所合伙人詹姆斯·贝德科克称,英国"黄金签"数量增长是在美国签证吸引力下降背景下出现的,因为围绕对美投资者签证的政治不确定性(political uncertainty surrounding investor visas in the US)增加,越来越多人希望移居英国并对其投资。一些高净值人士(HNWIs, high net worth individuals)担心英国政府可能会在2019年3月正式脱欧之后收紧签证规定(may tighten visa rules after the formal Brexit date in March 2019),因此寻求在此之前移民英国。
最低投资门槛 minimum investment threshold
签证申请 visa application
申请永久居住权 apply for permanent residency
授予公民身份 grant citizenship
4. 小程序
mini program, applet
Google has released its first mini program for WeChat in China. It is a drawing game based on Google's AI image recognition technology
小程序(mini programs, applet)即在主程序内运行的应用程序(apps that only work within a master app),省去了用户安装、退出或进入不同应用程序的麻烦(save users the hassle of installing, and exiting and entering different apps)。谷歌此次推出微信小程序是继上月向电商公司京东投资5.5亿美元后,重返中国消费市场的最新尝试(the latest step in Google's tiptoe back into China's consumer market)。
这款只能在微信内运行的游戏小程序名为"猜画小歌(Guess the Sketch)"。在游戏中,玩家要在20秒内按照要求画出一些日常用品(doodle an assigned everyday item),比如,狗、鞋子或手表。绘画过程中,人工智能会对画作的内容进行猜测(throw out its best guesses of the subject),如果AI猜对,玩家得分,进入下一轮(advance the next round)。如果AI猜不出,它会用销魂的经典谷歌女声语音说:"我没看懂你在画什么?",偶尔还会爆出一句东北话"你画的啥玩意?"一时间,整个朋友圈都充斥着一股幼儿园美术班的气息,到处都是玩得不亦乐乎的灵魂画手。
谷歌官方表示,这款游戏背后的神经网络技术有超过5000万个手绘素描的数据群支持(the neural networking behind this game is powered by a dataset of 50 million hand-drawn sketches),展现了谷歌人工智能在计算机视觉方面的发展(showcase Google AI's advances in computer vision)。
第三方应用商店 third-party app store
计算机插画艺术家 computer sketch artist
快捷图标 short-cut icon
消息推送 push notifications
5. 最烧钱影片
most expensive movie ever made
China's "most expensive movie ever made" is one of the biggest flops the world has ever seen. "Asura", an epic fantasy film with a $113 million budget from financiers including Alibaba Pictures, was pulled from Chinese cinemas after its opening weekend, when it made just over $7 million.
有媒体称,《阿修罗(Asura)》制作方曾希望将此片打造成类似于《指环王(The Lord of the Rings)》的奇幻系列电影(fantasy franchise)。制作方在微博发文称糟糕的票房是蓄意破坏的结果(blame the abysmal box office showing on sabotage),指控有人涌入移动售票平台猫眼电影发表负面评论(trolls had flooded the mobile-ticketing platform Maoyan with negative reviews),导致了该片票房的惨败。
虽然观众评分(audience scores)可能对影片票房有一定影响,但影片失败的原因很可能还包括拙劣的营销(poor marketing)、对粉丝口味把握不到位等。此外,《阿修罗》上映时遭遇了喜剧电影(comedy-drama)《我不是药神(Dying to Survive)》等片的强有力竞争,该片上周末票房收入6900万美元,总票房已超过3.5亿美元。
令人震惊的1.06亿美元的亏损(a staggering $106 million loss)让《阿修罗》成为世界范围内最失败的影片之一。《辛巴达七海传奇(Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas)》亏损了1.25亿美元,是史上最失败的影片(the biggest flop ever)。与《阿修罗》有一拼的美国影片(a close analog to Asura in the US)是埃迪·墨菲主演的科幻喜剧(sci-fi comedy)《星际冒险王(The Adventures of Pluto Nash)》。据报道,该片耗资1亿美元拍摄,票房收入仅为700万美元。
大制作电影 high-budget film
暂停全国放映 suspend the national release
提高行业门槛 raise the bar for the industry
奇幻片或科幻片 fantasy or sci-fi films
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(来源:CHINADAILY手机报 编辑:马文英、彭娜、丹妮、实习生马青玲)