每日新闻播报(August 29)
chinadaily.com.cn 2018-08-29 16:18

>Degrees worthless for job?
Recently, the job review site Glassdoor compiled a list of 15 different companies that don't require job applicants to have college degrees. The list includes high-paying tech outlets like Apple, Google, and IBM, in addition to service-oriented companies like Costco, Starbucks, and Chipotle. Google acknowledged several years ago that college transcripts and test scores are worthless predictors of later job performance. At IBM, where roughly 15% of new hires in the US don't have college degrees, CEO Ginni Rometty has said that vocational courses and on-the-job experience offer more relevant training for many tech sector positions than a four-year college degree.

>Chinese menu draws tourists
One fish and chip shop in Britain has hit on a novel way of attracting customers: translating its menu into Mandarin. Scotts Fish and Chips near York now serves more than 100 Chinese holidaymakers a week after launching a Mandarin website and promoting its deep-fried delicacies on Weibo and WeChat. The restaurant's location also is thought to be one of the reasons for the influx because it is on the main route for tour groups visiting York from London. Andrew Speke, who leads Chinese language food tours in London for BeiWei 55, said fish and chips was at the top of the must-try list for a new breed of middle class Chinese tourists. "We've moved on from the days where all Chinese people went around Europe on a coach and had all their meals in suburban Chinese restaurants," said Speke. "Our customers are the Chinese middle classes from first or second-tier Chinese cities. They watch Downton Abbey and Sherlock and they want the classic British experience."

>Autonomous taxi tested in JP
A venture firm and a major taxi company on Monday began a trial of passenger-carrying autonomous taxi services with an eye on launching the full service around 2020 when Tokyo hosts the Olympics and the Paralympics. ZMP Inc, a Tokyo-based developer of autonomous driving technology, and Hinomaru Kotsu Co, said they are the first in the world to offer autonomous taxi services to fare-paying passengers in the test. In the trial, a minivan equipped with sensors and other autonomous technologies makes four round trips a day between commercial facilities in Tokyo's Otemachi and Roppongi districts. The autonomous taxi will start, stop and turn the vehicle, but a driver and an assistant will be on board to ensure safety. Passengers solicited in advance will unlock the door and make payments through a smartphone app, paying 1,500 yen for a one-way ride.

>NASA apps take you to space
A new app from NASA, named NASA Selfies, lets you snap a shot of yourself to overlay on a choice of backgrounds, ranging from the Orion Nebula (猎户座星云) to the Milky Way. The NASA Selfies app lets you place your face, or that of your pet, into a spacesuit with a backdrop of stunning images taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope of the last 15 years (see photo). A second new app from NASA, called NASA's Exoplanet Excursions VR, lets you take a virtual reality (VR) tour of the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system using Oculus, Vive and smartphone VR, as well as via YouTube 360. Both of these apps were created to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the launch of NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
美国航空航天局(NASA)推出了一款名为NASA Selfies的新应用,用户可以自拍一张照片,叠加在猎户座星云、银河系等可供选择的背景之上。该应用允许用户将自己的脸或者宠物的脸P到以斯皮策太空望远镜过去15年拍摄的炫酷图片为背景的宇航服上(见图)。NASA推出的另一款新应用名为NASA's Exoplanet Excursions VR,用户可使用Oculus、Vive、智能手机VR以及YouTube 360对TRAPPIST-1行星系进行虚拟现实游览。这两款应用都是为了庆祝斯皮策太空望远镜发射15周年而开发的。
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