中国日报网 2018-10-22 11:29


Chinese residents could benefit from further income tax reduction from next year on, as a tax deduction list has been released for public opinion on Saturday.
20日,财政部、国家税务总局(the State Administration of Taxation)会同有关部门起草的《个人所得税专项附加扣除暂行办法(the personal income tax deduction plan)(征求意见稿)》在两部门官网开始为期两周的向公众征求意见(seek public opinion),计划终稿将于今年年底公布。
The special expense deduction items are related to children's education, adult reeducation, treatment of serious diseases, the livelihood of elder people, housing loan interest and home rent.

根据《暂行办法》,纳税人的子女接受学前教育(preschool education)和学历教育的相关支出,按每个子女每年1.2万元(每月1000元)标准定额扣除(be deducted at a fixed standard of 12,000 yuan a year, or 1,000 yuan per month);纳税人接受学历或非学历继续教育的支出,在规定期间可按每年3600元或4800元定额扣除;

大病医疗支出(medical costs of serious illness)方面,纳税人在一个纳税年度(tax year)内发生的自负医药费用超过1.5万元部分,可在每年6万元限额内据实扣除;
住房贷款利息方面,纳税人本人或配偶发生的首套住房贷款利息支出(loan interest for first home by the taxpayers or their spouses),可按每月1000元标准定额扣除;

住房租金根据纳税人承租住房所在城市的不同,按每月800元到1200元扣除(for housing rent, the deduction will vary from cities, ranging from 800 yuan to 1,200 yuan a month)。
赡养老人支出方面,纳税人赡养60岁(含)以上父母的(support parents aged 60 or above),按照每月2000元标准定额扣除(get a monthly deduction of 2,000 yuan),其中,独生子女(only children)按每人每月2000元标准扣除,非独生子女与其兄弟姐妹分摊每月2000元的扣除额度。

根据《暂行办法》,预计新政将于2019年1月1日起实施(take effect from Jan 1, 2019)。新政将个税起征点由3500元上调至5000元/月(raise the threshold for personal income tax from 3,500 yuan to 5,000 yuan per month),并已于今年10月1日期率先实施。
专家称,税改(tax reform)将极大地减轻中低收入人群的税负(significantly reduce the tax burden on low-and -middle-income groups),提高居民可支配收入(raise people's disposable income),并促进国内消费(promote domestic consumption)。
个税改革 reform of personal income tax
专项附加扣除 special expense deductions
税务起征点 tax exemption threshold
综合征税 comprehensive income taxation
劳务报酬 remuneration for personal service
税率变化 changes in tax rates
反避税条款 anti-tax avoidance clause
累进税制 progressive taxing mechanism
收入分配 distribution of income
(中国日报网英语点津 丁一)