中国日报网 2018-11-01 10:38


存款准备金率 the requirement reserve ratio
The People's Bank of China (PBOC) decided on Sunday to cut the requirement reserve ratio (RRR) for RMB deposits by one percentage point starting from Oct 15. The RRR cut will cover the yuan deposits of large commercial banks, share-holding commercial banks, city commercial banks, non-county rural commercial banks and foreign banks.
Some of the liquidity unleashed will be used to pay back the 450 billion yuan of the medium-term lending facility that will mature on Oct. 15.
央行负责人表示,本次降准的目的是优化流动性结构,增强金融服务实体经济(real economy)能力。释放约7500亿元增量资金(incremental capital),可以增加金融机构支持小微企业(small and micro enterprises)、民营企业(private enterprises)和创新型企业(innovative enterprises)的资金来源,促进提高我国经济的创新活力和韧性(enhance the vitality and resilience of the Chinese economy),增强内生经济增长动力(strengthen endogenous growth momentum),推动实体经济健康发展(promote the healthy development of the real economy)。以此推算,此次降准释放的资金总量大约为1.2万亿元。
此前1月、4月、7月央行已经执行了三次降准,此次将是年内第四次降准(the fourth RRR cut of the year),也是年内第二次定向降准(targeted RRR cuts)置换中期借贷便利。加上此次降准,今年4次降准共释放流动性3.65万亿元,除去归还的中期借贷便利,净释放资金2.3万亿元。
该负责人表示,本次降准仍属于定向调控,银行体系流动性总量基本稳定,银根是稳健中性的(prudent and neutral),货币政策(monetary policy)取向没有改变。央行将继续实施稳健中性的货币政策,不搞大水漫灌(refrain from using a deluge of stimulus),注重定向调控(focus on targeted adjustment),保持流动性合理充裕(maintain sound and sufficient liquidity),引导货币信贷(monetary credit)和社会融资规模合理增长,为高质量发展和供给侧结构性改革(supply-side structural reform)营造适宜的货币金融环境(create a proper monetary and financial environment)。
央行的公告称,本次降准将弥补银行体系流动性缺口(fill in the liquidity gap of banks),由于我国的货币政策并没有放松,不会对人民币形成贬值压力(put no downward pressure on the yuan)。
补缴税款 make remedial payments to taxation authorities
China's tax authorities reminded filmmakers, television production companies and related sectors, as well as those in high-income brackets, to look closely into their own taxpaying practices before Dec 31.
国家税务总局通知明确,从2018年10月10日起,各地税务机关通知本地区影视制作公司(film and television production companies)、经纪公司(talent agencies)、演艺公司(performing companies)、明星工作室(celebrities' studios)等影视行业企业和高收入影视从业人员,根据税收征管法及其实施细则相关规定,对2016年以来的申报纳税情况进行自查自纠(conduct self-inspection)。
Those who make remedial payments to taxation authorities before Dec. 31 will be exempt from administrative punishment and penalties.
从2019年1月至2月底,税务机关根据纳税人自查自纠等情况,有针对性地督促提醒相关纳税人进一步自我纠正。对经提醒自我纠正的纳税人,可依法从轻、减轻行政处罚;对违法情节轻微的,可免予行政处罚(those who conduct self-correction after targeted reminder will be given a mitigated punishment or be exempt from administrative punishment)。
从2019年3月至6月底,税务机关结合自查自纠、督促纠正等情况,对个别拒不纠正的影视行业企业及从业人员开展重点检查,并依法严肃处理(those who refuse to take action will be severely punished)。
Actress Fan Bingbing has been ordered to pay more than 800 million yuan in tax and fines, the country's tax authorities said. Although Fan was paid 30 million yuan for her role in the film "Unbreakable Spirit", she only declared 10 million yuan, while the other 20 million yuan was left out of her contract, thus evading 7.3 million yuan in taxes, according to an investigation conducted by the State Administration of Taxation and the Jiangsu Provincial Tax Service, Xinhua reported. Fan and her companies also owe 248 million yuan in taxes, the report said. Authorities have ordered Fan to pay the said taxes, an overdue fee of 33 million yuan and a fine of 596 million yuan based on relevant laws and regulations, Xinhua reported.
The local taxation bureau in Wuxi, eastern China's Jiangsu province, was criticized and called out for rectification, and relevant officials were imposed administrative sanctions of warning and record of demerits.
微博注册 Weibo registration
Chinese netizens under the age of 14 will no longer be allowed to register a micro-blogging account on Sina Weibo, beginning next month, the service provider said on Tuesday.
根据新浪微博发布的公告,为进一步营造清朗、健康、文明、有序的平台环境(build a clean, healthy, civilized and organized online environment),切实保护未成年人网络空间安全(protect the cybersecurity of youngsters),按照有关法律法规(laws and regulations)规定,微博将调整未成年人注册和使用微博产品的规则。
同时,微博正在加紧开发针对未成年人的特别版本(develop a special version of the Weibo platform for younger users),专门提供适宜未成年人浏览和参与的内容及活动,确保对未成年人的保护更加有效(ensure that minors are protected more effectively)。
"We've always paid high attention to protecting the young people, and we never stop our steps to create a better online space for them," it said. "We welcome all users to supervise us and work together with us to make the platform safer and cleaner!"
新浪微博于2009年底成立。根据该平台数据中心(data center)去年年底发布的报告,截至2017年9月,该平台月活跃用户(active users)达3.76亿,同比增长27%;其中,有16%的用户年龄在18岁以下(under the age of 18),56%的用户为男性。除了阅读信息、转发网帖(sharing online posts)、评论(making comments)外,该平台上传视频和音乐(uploading videos and music)、分享直播(live streaming)等功能也受到用户的欢迎。