每日新闻播报(January 4)
chinadaily.com.cn 2019-01-04 15:53

>Jolie may run for president
Academy Award-winner Angelina Jolie has hinted that she could follow in the footsteps of Donald Trump, and run for US president if she felt she was "needed". Serving as a guest editor on Friday's BBC Today's Programme, the 43-year-old admitted she wouldn't rule out running for office. Presenter Justin Webb asked Jolie: "Are you moving in the direction of politics?" The Hollywood star said "I always say I'll go where I'm needed – I don't know if I'm fit for politics, but then I've also joked that I don't have a skeleton left in my closet so I'm pretty open and out there. I can take a lot on the chin, so that's good." Jolie continued to talk about her work with the UN, where she serves as a special envoy. "I honestly will do whatever I think can really make change and right now I am able to work with a UN agency to do a lot of work directly with people in need. I sit in a very interesting place of being able to get a lot done without a title and without it being about myself and my policies. So for now I'll sit quiet," she explained. Webb concluded the topic by saying that he'd added her to his list of potential Democratic politicians to run against President Donald Trump in 2020. Jolie simply responded with "thank you".

>Top baby names of 2018
Henry - Prince Harry's birth name - has risen to the top of the charts for baby boy names in 2018, possibly on the strength of Prince Harry's wedding to Meghan Markle in May, Daily Telegraph reported. Royal names dominate the boys' list. Henry shares the top place with Arthur. After them come Edward, William and George. Girls' names are not seemingly on royal message. There are no Meghans, and no Kates or Catherines in the top 30. Margot and Matilda are joint top of the girls' list.

>Odor-free underwear invented
A Danish startup called Organic Basics claims its underwear will remain fresh through weeks of wear, eliminating the need for frequent washing. By treating their underwear with Polygiene, Organic Basics says it can prevent the growth of 99.9% of bacteria, which it claims prevents the underwear from smelling bad as quickly. "Our business is sustainable fashion. The traditional way of buying, wearing, washing and throwing away overpriced underwear is a terrible waste of resources. And it is extremely harmful to the environment," said Mads Fibiger, CEO and co-founder of Organic Basics.
一家名为Organic Basics的丹麦初创公司声称,其生产的内衣在连穿数周后,仍能保持清新,无需频繁洗涤。通过用银盐离子处理内衣,该公司称可抑制99.9%的细菌的繁衍,从而防止内衣很快产生难闻气味。Organic Basics首席执行官兼联合创始人费比格称:"我们做的是可持续性的时装。一直以来我们购买、穿着、清洗,丢弃价格不菲的内衣,这对资源是一种极大的浪费,且对环境危害极大。"

>Best eating some carbs
Peer-reviewed research published in the medical journal "The Lancet Public Health" suggests low- and high-carbohydrate diets could shorten life, and diets including some carbs could promote a healthy lifespan. Researchers said that people who ate a moderate amount of carbohydrates lived four years longer than those with low-carbohydrate consumption and one year longer than those who ate a lot of carbohydrates. Researchers also observed that people who replaced carbohydrates with protein and fat from animals had a higher risk of early death compared to those who replaced carbohydrates with plant-based foods.
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