“2.5天小长假”引热议 网友:先保证我的双休日再说
中国日报网 2019-01-17 12:48


A proposed 2.5-day weekend has been highlighted in an action plan for Hebei province as the potential key to boosting consumption, with plans also in place to promote more paid-leave and off-peak vacations.
The document, which was aimed at increasing consumption during 2019 and 2020, said employers should adopt more flexible working hours and encourage leave on non-public holidays.
这里所谓的“2.5天周末/2.5天小长假(2.5-day weekend)”指的是“周五下午+周末两天”的周末延长模式(extended weekend)。2015年国务院办公厅下发的《关于进一步促进旅游投资和消费的若干意见(Several Decisions on Further Promoting Tourism-related Investment and Consumption)》,便提出了带薪休假(paid leave)、错峰休假(leave on non-public holidays/off-peak vacations)、为职工周五下午与周末结合外出休闲度假创造有利条件等举措。

“As new technologies emerge to improve work efficiency, it’s possible to shorten people’s working hours, but a flexible scheme should be more based on the negotiation between the employer and employee,” Yao Xianguo, head of the Public Policy Research Institute of Zhejiang University, said.
病假 sick leave
育婴假 parental leave
带薪休假 paid leave
探亲假 family reunion leave
带薪生理假 paid menstrual leave
事业单位 public institution
Duvet day 偷懒假

Duvet day is a company-approved day off that employees can take if they feel too tired to work. It can be stipulated formally in a contract of employment and is considered part of the remunerations package along with Holiday allowance.
偷懒假(Duvet day)是公司允许员工在感觉劳累时可以享受的假期。这个假期可以写入正式的雇佣合同,而且跟休假福利一样属于薪酬包的一部分。
It differs from Holiday allowance in that no prior notice is needed. An employee receives an allocation of days where if he or she gets up in the morning and doesn't want to go to work for any reason, he or she can use a "Duvet day". This is quite common in the United Kingdom and the United States.
The originator of the duvet day concept was a British PR firm. They began offering these perks for the pooped back in 1997.
Heartache leave 失恋假

We are all familiar with sick leave, either paid or unpaid, as part of our employment package. But a Japanese company has introduced the concept of "heartache leave" to their employees.
The powers at the company have recognized that the emotional impact of a relationship breakup has a profound effect on their employee's ability to satisfactorily fulfill their jobs. And hence they allow their employees time to get over the most severe early stages of a long term relationship breakup.
The leave increases with age of the employee, so that employees aged 30 years and over are entitled to three days per year to "get it out of their system'.
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)