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中国日报网 2019-03-04 08:50





GDP growth 国内生产总值增长

As an overall indicator of economic expansion, China's GDP growth target has been set unchanged at around 6.5 percent for two consecutive years from 2017 to 2018. On the provincial level, the majority of China's local governments have lowered the number this year, while over ten provincial regions set the target within a range.


经济状况 economic situation

GDP核算 GDP calculation

核心指标 core indicator

高质量发展 high-quality development

工业产出 industrial output

增长质量 growth quality

Fiscal deficit 财政赤字

China lowered its 2018 fiscal deficit target, one major part of fiscal policy, to 2.6 percent of its GDP, down from the 3-percent level in 2016 and 2017. The government has vowed to maintain a proactive fiscal policy and further expand issuance of special-purpose local government bonds.


税收激励 tax incentive

减税降费 cut taxes and administrative fees

房产税 property tax

免税 tax exemption


Tax reduction 减税

China has been committed to cutting taxes and fees for enterprises and employees in recent years in a bid to boost investment and consumption. Total taxes and fee cuts reached about 1.3 trillion yuan last year.


增值税 value-added tax

企业所得税 enterprise income tax

免税 tax exemption

减税 tax reduction, tax cut

收入分配 distribution of income

避税地 tax haven


Monetary stance 货币政策

The annual Central Economic Work Conference said China will keep the prudent monetary policy "neither too tight nor too loose" this year while maintaining market liquidity at a reasonably ample level.


定向降准 targeted RRR cut

注入流动性 inject liquidity

货币政策工具 monetary policy tools

公开市场操作 open market operation, OMO

逆回购 reverse repurchase agreement, reverse repo


Job creation 创造就业

Employment comes first in the six fields the country aims to stabilize in 2019. China first set the goal of surveyed urban unemployment rate in government work report in 2018. Over 13 million urban jobs were created last year, beating the official target of 11 million.


大众创业、万众创新 mass entrepreneurship and innovation

就业创业 employment and entrepreneurship

慢就业 delayed employment

自由职业者 freelancer

自主创业 self-employment

就业压力 employment pressure


Poverty alleviation 扶贫

As one of the country's "three tough battles," reducing poverty is expected to accelerate this year to achieve the goal of lifting all its rural residents living below current poverty line out of poverty and eliminate poverty in all poor counties and regions by 2020. China still had 16.6 million poor people by the end of 2018.


精准扶贫 targeted poverty alleviation

强制式扶贫 compulsory poverty relief

脱贫 get out of poverty/get rid of poverty/be lifted out of poverty

贫困线 poverty threshold/poverty line/poverty limit

易地扶贫搬迁 relocating the poor

扶贫基金 poverty alleviation funds

开发式扶贫 development-orientated poverty reduction

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