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Acceptance speeches 做好获奖感言的技巧


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“获奖的是……” 当颁奖嘉宾宣布奖项得主时,获奖者得在有限的时间内快速上台领奖,并说出自己的获奖感言。但在获奖后应该说什么才合适呢?各大电影及音乐颁奖典礼的主办方通常会给获奖者一个发表感言的机会:有人幽默风趣、风度翩翩;有人慷慨激昂、感情真挚;有人则可能因为准备不充分,在台上支支吾吾地说不出话来 — 不禁让人觉得有几分尴尬。《随身英语》介绍几个做公众演讲时值得参考的小贴士。

Vocabulary:  public speaking 词汇: 公众演讲

'Thank you' is a very polite thing to say when you are given something, and this is particularly important when receiving an award at a prestigious ceremony. But if you're one of the lucky winners, 'thank you' is just the start of the most important acceptance speech of your life.

Film, TV and music award ceremonies are all about the acceptance speeches – they are an art form in their own right. They are a chance for an actor or performer to publicly thank people who've helped them. In this year's BAFTAs, Letitia Wright even thanked God for her EE Rising Star award in an emotional acceptance speech.

Speeches are also used as a platform to make a political statement or just to raise someone's profile – so it's important to get the words right. And these words have to be delivered in a short amount of time. For example, at this year's Oscars, nominees have only 90 seconds from finding out they've won to finishing their speech. John Bailey, president of the Academy, has told them they should "get up there and keep speeches brief."

When the clock is ticking, it's hard to say everything you want. Weeping can waste time; bumbling costs valuable seconds. Experts in the field say it's important to be personable, heartfelt and to speak like you're talking to a friend. At the 2019 Golden Globes, Olivia Colman was named the best actress for her role as Queen Anne in The Favourite and gave an endearingly excited speech that ended with her holding up her trophy and sending a message to her family: "Ed and the kids - look! Yay!"

You would expect an actor to be eloquent and able to perform on stage in front of an audience. But for others, such as sports people, it can be more awkward. When Japan's Naomi Osaka won this year's Australian Open final, she said "Sorry, public speaking isn't my strong point so I hope I can get through this… I read notes before this but I still forgot what I was meant to say."

Preparation is key. It's important to make notes that remind you to thank people, say some words of wisdom, and win over the audience. But if you've got nothing to say, accept your award graciously then get off stage before the music starts playing again – just remember to say 'thank you'!


polite 礼貌的
prestigious 有声望的
art form 艺术形式
emotional 动情的,激动的
profile 知名度,形象
brief 简短的,简洁的
weeping 流泪
bumble 结结巴巴地、支支吾吾地讲话
personable 讨人喜欢的,风度优雅的
heartfelt 真挚诚恳的
endearingly 使人喜爱地
eloquent 有说服力的,能言善辩的
awkward 难应对的,尴尬的
public speaking 公众演讲
words of wisdom 至理名言
win over 赢得…的喜爱
graciously 彬彬有礼地


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. Name one of the major award ceremonies mentioned in the article.

2. How long have winners at this year's Oscars got to complete their acceptance speech?

3. Who should you think you're talking to if you want to make a good acceptance speech?

4. True or false? The winner of this year's Australian Open final had prepared what to say before accepting her winner's trophy.

5. Which word used in the article means 'an actor's part in a film'.

2.  请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. I need to keep this meeting ________ as I've got a plane to catch.

emotional             polite                     brief                         eloquent

2. When I was stressing over my exams, my mum was always there with some _________.

wisdom words       word wisdoms       words of wisdom       words of wisdoms

3. She's going to a very ________ university if she gets the very high grades they have asked for – and if she can afford it!

prestigious            personable            eloquent                    public speaking

4. The comedian was able to ________ the audience with his personality, jokes and stories about his childhood.

won over               winned over         winning over              win over

5. The manager gave a _________ apology for the severe delays to train services, which were caused by a power failure.

weeping                heartfelt                endearingly                prestigious


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. Name one of the major award ceremonies mentioned in the article.
The Oscars, BAFTAs or Golden Globes.

2. How long have winners at this year's Oscars got to complete their acceptance speech?
At this year's Oscars, nominees have only 90 seconds from finding out they've won to finishing their acceptance speech in order to save time. 

3. Who should you think you're talking to if you want to make a good acceptance speech?
Experts suggest you should speak like you're talking to a friend.

4. True or false? The winner of this year's Australian Open final had prepared what to say before accepting her winner's trophy.
True. Japan's Naomi Osaka won this year's Australian Open final, and said "…I read notes before this but I still forgot what I was meant to say."

5. Which word used in the article means 'an actor's part in a film'.
The word is 'role'. Olivia Colman was named best actress for her role as Queen Anne in The Favourite.

2.  请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. I need to keep this meeting brief as I've got a plane to catch.

2. When I was stressing over my exams, my mum was always there with some words of wisdom.

3. She's going to a very prestigious university if she gets the very high grades they have asked for – and if she can afford it!

4. The comedian was able to win over the audience with his personality, jokes and stories about his childhood.

5. The manager gave a heartfelt apology for the severe delays to train services, which were caused by a power failure.




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