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Harry Potter: Wizard banking! 《哈利·波特》影城新添魔法银行展区



Harry Potter: Wizard banking! 《哈利·波特》影城新添魔法银行展区


有关 “finance 理财” 的词汇


What is the treasure used in the bank made of?


Take a look inside the hallowed halls of Gringotts Wizarding Bank - underneath the crystal chandeliers, flanked by impressive marble pillars. But this isn't magic. It's real life.

来看看古灵阁魔法银行内部庄严神圣的大堂 — 屋顶装有水晶吊灯,两侧矗立着壮观的大理石柱。但这并不是魔法,它就存在于现实生活中。

Warwick Davis, actor
It's fantastic being back here on the original Gringotts Bank set, where over ten years ago now, I played Griphook here - this guy down the front; the good-looking one!

沃维克·戴维斯 演员
“能回到古灵阁银行的原片场真是太棒了。十多年前,我在这里饰演妖精 ‘拉环’— 就是前面那个家伙,长得好看的那个!”

And as seen on screen, to the finest of details, gold-lined treasures and piles of Galleons - the wizarding currency. But thieves - be warned! It wouldn't be Gringotts without goblins.

和电影荧幕上看到的一样纤毫毕现,这里有镀金的财宝和堆积如山的魔法货币 — 金加隆。但窃贼们要注意了!古灵阁可不能没有经营银行的妖精。

Warwick Davis, actor
It was a real restoration process for you, wasn't it? To bring all of these back to life and back to kind of camera-ready condition. You know, because these sorts of products deteriorate very quickly in storage, so it's quite a feat to actually see them here looking as good as they do.

沃维克·戴维斯 演员

Sarita Allison, make-up artist
Everything you see here, we've made especially for the tour.

莎莉塔·艾利森 化妆师

Included in the tour is a sneak peek inside the vault of dark witch Bellatrix Lestrange. And you won't need Polyjuice Potion to enter.


Pierre Bohanna, prop maker
There's about 30,000 pieces of treasure, of rubberised treasure, that was originally made. As you can see by example, here's a Hufflepuff cup – you see it's all squidgy.

皮埃尔·波汉纳 道具师

Warner Brothers has good reason to include a bank in the latest renovations of the studios, just outside London. The behind-the-scenes tour boosted the studio's profits 69 percent in 2017, generating an after-tax turnover of 60 million pounds. But with goblins in charge, a profit like that will surely be buried deep within the vaults of Gringotts.

华纳兄弟集团有充分的理由在这次翻修其伦敦郊外的摄影棚时加入一个银行展区。这个幕后游览项目使该工作室 2017 年的利润增长了 69%,创造的税后营业额为六千万英镑。但在妖精的掌管下,这样的利润肯定会被埋入古灵阁银行地下金库的深处。


treasures 财宝

currency 货币

vault 金库

profits 利润

turnover (一段时间内的)营业额


It is rubberised – it’s made of rubber.



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