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Turtle navigation discovery 新发现:绿海龟辨别方向的方法



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Every year between December and June, thousands of green sea turtles migrate. They go to Ascension Island to nest - females crawling ashore to lay their eggs in the sand. Because of the remote location and cost of research though, scientists still do not understand exactly how they get there.


Now they've developed a model which simulates part of that arduous journey. What the scientists found is that the species uses a range of weak cues rather than a few strong ones, which could lead them off course. It makes sense - as relying on a single navigating cue, such as an inbuilt compass, could render them sensitive to change.


The scientists say that understanding how fish, animals and birds navigate could help them figure out how to protect those that are endangered, as well as what factors might affect their behaviour.


1. 词汇

migrate (动物)迁徙
crawling 缓慢地爬行
remote 偏远的,遥远的
simulates 模拟
arduous 艰辛的,艰巨的
weak cues 弱线索
off course 偏离方向
navigating 用来确定、辨别方向的
render 使变得
figure out 理解,弄清楚

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. True or false? If turtles followed less frequent, stronger cues, they are more likely to lose direction.

2. Where do the female turtles lay their eggs?

3. Why has research into the green sea turtles been difficult to do in the past?

4. What might be the benefit of this research about turtles?

3. 答案

1. True or false? If turtles followed less frequent, stronger cues, they are more likely to lose direction
True. Scientists found that the species uses a range of weak cues rather than a few strong ones, which could lead them off course (or get lost).

2. Where do the female turtles lay their eggs?
They lay their eggs on the land, buried in the sand.

3. Why has research into the green sea turtles been difficult to do in the past?
Because of the Ascension Island’s remote location and cost of research, scientists have not been able to understand exactly how they get there.

4. What might be the benefit of this research about turtles?
The scientists say that understanding how fish, animals and birds navigate could help them work out how to protect those that are endangered – such as the green sea turtles.




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