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中国日报网 2019-08-12 13:01



Peking University. [Photo/IC]


Peking University is supposed to enroll eight impoverished students from Henan province this year. However, the university decided not to enroll the students in the seventh and eighth places because their grades, 542 and 536, respectively, were much lower than the other six students, with the student in sixth place scoring 667 in the college entrance exam.

The university said it decided not to enroll the two students because "it would be hard for them to complete their studies as their grades were considerably lower than their peers".

The university decided to replace the two students, who put Peking University as their first preference in the gaokao application, with other two students who put it as their second preference, but with much higher grades, both achieving 671.


The university admitted malpractice in student enrollment in the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, on Sunday and decided to re-enroll two students it previously dropped because their grades were considerably lower than others, it said in a statement.



为了缩小城乡教育差距(narrow the gap between urban and rural schools),促进教育公平,我国教育部在高考录取中实施三个专项计划,分别为:国家专项计划、地方专项计划和高校专项计划。

国家专项计划(National Special Program)定向招收贫困地区学生(students in poverty-stricken areas)。招生学校为中央部门所属高校和各省(区、市)所属重点高校,实施区域为集中连片特殊困难县、国家级扶贫开发重点县以及新疆南疆四地州。

地方专项计划(Local Special Program)定向招收各省(区、市)实施区域的农村学生。招生学校为各省(区、市)所属重点高校,具体实施区域、报考条件由各省(区、市)根据本地实际情况确定,实施区域要对本省(区、市)民族自治县实现全覆盖。

高校专项计划(Special Program for Colleges and Universities)定向招收边远、贫困、民族等地区(remote, impoverished and ethnic regions)县(含县级市)以下高中勤奋好学、成绩优良的农村学生。招生学校为教育部直属高校和其他自主招生试点高校,具体实施区域由有关省(区、市)确定。


According to the Ministry of Education, a total of 370,000 students from impoverished regions were admitted by China's 140 top universities, and 103,800 students were admitted to these universities in 2018.


优惠政策 favorable policies

教育公平 education equality

素质教育 all-round education

高等教育 higher education

终身学习体系 an education system of lifelong learning

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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