美差!万圣节前看完13部斯蒂芬·金的电影 就能赚1300美元 You could get paid $1300 to watch 13 Stephen King movies by Halloween
中国日报网 2019-09-23 08:53


If you've already blown through lists of the best horror movies ever made, it's time to get more specific with your Halloween binge-watching. This year, USDish is challenging one brave soul to watch 13 movies based on classic Stephen King works by October 31—and the lucky viewer will receive $1300 for their fortitude.
fortitude['fɔːtɪtjuːd]: n. 刚毅;不屈不挠;勇气
Forty-three films have been adapted from Stephen King's novels, novellas, and short stories, including IT Chapter Two and Doctor Sleep in 2019. USDish.com has narrowed its viewing list down to King's most famous films like Children of the Corn (1984), Carrie (the 2013 remake or the 1976 original), Misery (1990), and Pet Sematary (the 2019 remake or the 1989 original).
The candidate chosen for the challenge will receive a survival kit complete with a blanket, flashlight, candy, popcorn, and Stephen King swag. USDish will also send them a Fitbit they can use to track their pulse while watching some of the most heart-pounding scenes in cinema. All 13 movies are available to watch on Dish, and if the viewer wants to extend their movie marathon, they can use a complimentary gift card to see IT Chapter 2 or Doctor Sleep in theaters.

After making it through the list and logging their experience, the winner will receive a $1300 cash prize. They can use that money to buy all the Stephen King movies that weren't included in the challenge—or maybe take a relaxing trip to some place.
To apply for the dream (or nightmare) gig, fill out the form on the USDish.com website with your personal information, viewing habits, and a short essay explaining why you should get the job. There's also an option to upload a video pitching yourself as the perfect victim.
Whether or not you get paid to do it, you can organize a Stephen King binge-watching session of your own.
英文来源:Mental Floss