中国日报网 2019-10-11 13:00


1. I felt like I wasn't in the pocket. 我感觉我不是很在状态。
2. You do not ghost Nick Fury. 你不能跟尼克·弗瑞玩消失。
3. You handled yourself well out there today. 你今天的表现很出色。
4. I am so sorry if I seem like I'm preoccupied with my relationship. 如果我让你觉得我只顾着自己恋爱,那很抱歉。
5. We're all counting on you. 我们都指望你了。
6. He felt bad about snapping at you. 他对冲你发脾气感到过意不去。
7. You had access to killer drones? 你还能调用杀人无人机吗?
8. Deep down, you know I'm right. 内心深处,你知道我是对的。
9. You are so gullible. 你太好骗了。
10. I mean, you're smart as a whip, just a...sucker. 虽然你很聪明,但是……太好骗了。
11. But for what it's worth, Peter, I really am sorry. 但不管如何,彼得,我真的很抱歉。
12. He second-guessed everything he did. 他总质疑自己做的一切。
13. He was all over the place. 他心里乱得很。
14. Has no one else here noticed how shady he is? 难道没有其他人注意到他多可疑吗?
15. I bought us some time. 我为咱们争取到了时间。
FURY: So is there anything you want to tell us about your girlfriend?
HILL: He's talking about EDITH.
PETER: Look, I know I made a mistake, I'm sorry, but he is not who you think he is. Beck is a liar. Mysterio, the Elementals, it's all fake. He has some illusion tech. That's how he tricked you guys, and tricked me into giving him EDITH. It's a projector. I pulled it off the fire monster in Prague.
FURY: So all that death and destruction we witnessed was created by this?
PETER: No, not just this. I think he's using drones.
FURY: Well, if this is true, then Beck's very dangerous and we need to be smart. Who else did you tell about this? Parker? Parker!
HILL: What's wrong?
PETER: It's Beck. He's here.
FURY: What? Hill?
PETER: No, it's just an illu... Fury! Unh. Aah! [COUGHS]
BECK: Wow, Peter, wow.
BECK: I thought we were close. Fury always had to die, but not you.
PETER: Stop hiding, Beck!
BECK: I tried to help you walk away. Now you're making me do this. [ECHOING] You told me, you were just a kid. You told me, you wanted to run after that girl.
MJ: Help me!
PETER: MJ! Oh, God!
MJ: Peter, what's going on?
PETER: I know this isn't real.
BECK: Do you, though?
BECK: I don't think you know what's real, Peter. [ECHOING]
PETER: Whoa! Whoa! [YELLING]
BECK: You need to wake up!
BECK: I mean, look at yourself.
BECK: You are just a scared little kid in a sweat suit. I created Mysterio to give the world someone to believe in. I control the truth. Mysterio is the truth.
BECK: If you were good enough, maybe Tony would still be alive.
BECK: Deep down, you know I'm right.
BECK: You made your choice. And all you had to do was step aside. And now you have...
PETER: Fury. Unh.
FURY: Beck's people are trying to find everyone who could expose him. Who'd you tell?
PETER: Um...
FURY: I know you told someone...
PETER: Um...
FURY: ...so just tell me.
PETER: Okay.
FURY: Who did you tell? Who else did you tell?
PETER: Just Ned and MJ from my class. Maybe Ned told his girlfriend Betty, but that's it.
PETER: What?
FURY: You are so gullible.
PETER: What?
FURY: You're smart as a whip. Just a...sucker. (TURNING INTO BECK) And now all your friends have to die.
PETER: Oh, my God. [GASPING]
BECK: It's easy to fool people when they're already fooling themselves. But for what it's worth, Peter, I really am sorry.
EDITH: Yes, Quentin.
BECK: Access files to Peter Parker's class trip. I need them to fly home from London.
(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑)