英国人怎么过万圣节? Halloween in the UK
BBC英语教学 2019-10-30 17:12

大家好,欢迎收听BBC英语教学的万圣节特辑!Happy Halloween!我是冯菲菲。
每到万圣节,英国的很多家庭都会从商店或超市买来南瓜“pumpkins”刻灯。这些南瓜经过雕刻后会转变成一张张阴森可怕的脸,掏空心的南瓜里面可以放上蜡烛,从而变成南瓜灯“Jack-o’-lanterns”。刻南瓜灯这个习俗的起源有很多版本,不过大多数都和一个叫“Stingy Jack”的小气鬼有关,他总是漫无目的地提着南瓜灯走来走去。
Families in Britain buy pumpkins in shops and supermarkets every Halloween to carve Jack-o’-lanterns. The pumpkins are transformed into spooky (诡异的、可怕的) faces and are lit up by candles placed inside. There are many theories of the origin of this practice (习俗), most of which revolve around a man called‘Stingy Jack’, who roams the Earth aimlessly (漫无目的地) carrying a pumpkin lantern.
你读过阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie)的侦探小说《万圣节前的谋杀案》吗?如果你读过,那么可能会知道咬苹果“apple-bobbing”这个很受欢迎的万圣节活动。游戏要求参赛者从水桶里用嘴叼出苹果,最先叼出苹果的选手获胜。
Have you read Agatha Christie’s detective novel Hallowe’en Party? If so, you might know this popular Halloween activity called‘apple-bobbing’. In the game, competitors (参赛者)
try to bite apples which are floating in a large bucket of water. Whoever catches the first apple wins.
“不给糖就捣蛋”是一项特殊的万圣节传统活动。孩子们会换上可怕的服饰,在家附近的街区内敲响别人家的门,同时喊不给糖就捣鬼——“Trick or treat?”这句话。人们常常在万圣节前就准备好糖果。因为根据传统,如果被敲开门又不给糖吃的话,孩子们就有可能给你搞恶作剧。
Trick-or-treating is a special Halloween tradition. Children in scary costumes walk around the neighbourhood (邻近的街区,住宅区) and knock on doors saying‘trick or treat?’. They can get a lot of sweets from people. Traditionally, the kids might play a trick (开玩笑,搞恶作剧) on people who don’t give them sweets. It’s a happy festival for children. But at the same time, there is a more sinister (阴险的) side to Halloween.
我们下面就来看一看另一个万圣节习俗——化装晚会“fancy-dress parties”。
化装晚会Fancy-dress parties
1 My heart missed a beat.吓得我的心停跳了一拍。
2 I was scared out of my wits.我的魂都吓飞了。
3 I was quaking in my boots.吓得我浑身发抖。
4 I was bricking it.吓得我惊慌失措。
5 It scared the living daylights out of me.吓得我魂飞魄散。
(来源:BBC英语教学 编辑:yaning)