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New slang words added to Oxford English Dictionary 2019年《牛津英语词典》新收录的俚语词汇

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《牛津英语词典》于2019年10月新收录了203个词汇。其中包括俚语 “chillax” 淡定,由动词 “chill” 和 “relax” 组成;“sumfin”——“something” 的俚语拼法之一;“Jafaican” 牙买加腔口音,由单词 “fake” 和 “Jamaican” 组合而成。

You may be listening to this report just to hear the dulcet tones of some received pronunciation – something like the word ‘something’, for example. If that’s the case, on this occasion you’re not in luck. What I’m proposing to give you is ‘sumthin’, ‘sumfin’ and even ‘sumink’. That’s because they’ve all been added to the list of slang words in the Oxford English Dictionary.

你也许只是为了听到柔和又悦耳的英式标准发音才来听这篇报道的——就如同单词 “something” 的发音一样。如果真是这样,恐怕你这次运气不佳。因为我正打算给你介绍的单词是 “sumthin、sumfin”,甚至可以说成 “sumink”。这是因为它们都被收录在了《牛津英语词典》的俚语单词表之中。

It might not always seem like it, but that dictionary is enriched by the terminology we employ.


There’s also ‘whatevs’ – that’s defined as being used in response to a question or statement to indicate that the speaker is disinclined to engage with or is indifferent to the matter.

词典还收录了 “whatevs” 无所谓——对这个词的定义是:它用来回答问题或作陈述,以表明说话者不情愿参与这件事情的讨论,或对此漠不关心。

Unfortunately, the new list has also led to a fair amount of criticism all about the lowering of standards. But maybe the opponents just aren’t fans of Star Wars! The new dictionary also includes several words and phrases from that film epic – lightsabre, Jedi, Padawan and what I’m trying on you now – a Jedi mind trick.

很遗憾,新词列表也引发了大量关于降低词汇收录标准的批评意见。但也许这是因为反对者们不是《星球大战》的影迷罢了。新词典还收纳了《星球大战》中的一些单词和词组——“lightsabre” 光剑、“Jedi” 绝地武士、“Padawan” 绝地学徒,还有我正在你们身上施展的 “a Jedi mind trick” 绝地控心术。


dulcet tones 柔和悦耳的发音
received pronunciation (英语)标准发音,英格兰南部地区人的口音
proposing 打算,计划
enriched 丰富多彩的
terminology 术语
disinclined 不想做,不愿意做
indifferent 漠然的
standards 标准
lightsabre 光剑
mind trick “控心术”,《星球大战》电影中的能左右他人想法的法术


1. Which real English word is ‘sumfin’ a slang version of?

2. Which new word mentioned in the text can be used to show that someone doesn’t care about a statement or a question?

3. Why have some people criticised the inclusion of these slang words in the Oxford English dictionary?

4. True or false? Words taken from the Star Wars films, such as ‘slam dunk’ and ‘simples’, have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary.


1. Which real English word is ‘sumfin’ a slang version of?
‘Sumfin’ is a slang version of the word ‘something’ and has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary.

2. Which new word mentioned in the text can be used to show that someone doesn’t care about a statement or a question?
‘Whatevs’, which is defined as being used in response to a question or statement to indicate that the speaker is disinclined to engage with or is indifferent to the matter.

3. Why have some people criticised the inclusion of these slang words in the Oxford English dictionary?
The new list of words has also led to a fair amount of criticism all about the lowering of standards.

4. True or false? Words taken from the Star Wars films, such as ‘slam dunk’ and ‘simples’, have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary.
False. These words don’t come from Star Wars films, but ‘lightsabre’, ‘Jedi’ and ‘Padawan’ do!




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