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Coronavirus: Supermarkets ask shoppers to stop stockpiling 新冠病毒:英国超市呼吁顾客理智购物

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(注:原文发表于 3 15 日。)正值人们对新冠病毒有关的囤货行为感到担忧之时,英国的数家连锁超市呼吁顾客不要购买超过他们需要的数量。在一封联名信中,英国零售商提醒顾客在购物时应考虑周到,以免导致他人买不到急需的物品。

The pandemic hasn’t yet peaked in the UK, but many shoppers have been stocking up on essentials such as loo roll, hand wash and long-life foods.


Some stores have imposed purchase limits on in-demand goods. Online delivery services have been running at full capacity.


The message published in newspapers today and tomorrow is signed by brands including Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Asda, Iceland, and Costcutter. It says they’re doing everything possible to ensure shelves are stocked, but points out that buying more than is needed can sometimes mean that others will be left without. 

该消息刊登在今明两天的报纸上,由包括英佰瑞(Sainsbury’s)、乐购(Tesco)、阿斯达(ASDA)、Iceland 和考斯特卡特超市(Costcutter)共同签署。消息表示他们正竭尽全力确保货架上的存货充足,但指出,顾客超需求购物的行为可能意味着他人无货可买。

They also seek to reassure the public there is enough for everyone if we all work together. 



stocking up on 囤积,大量购买
essentials 生活必需品
loo roll 卫生纸
hand wash 洗手液
long-life 保质期长的
purchase limits 购买限制
in-demand 需求量大的,紧俏
at full capacity 满负荷地
shelves 货架

阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. What types of essentials have shoppers in UK been stocking up on?

2. True or false? You can buy as many in-demand goods as you want in any store.

3. What does buying more than is needed mean, according to supermarkets?

4. What do supermarkets think people need to do to make sure there are enough items for everyone?


1. What types of essentials have shoppers in UK been stocking up on?
Many shoppers have been stocking up on essentials such as loo roll, hand wash and long-life foods.

2. True or false? You can buy as many in-demand goods as you want in any store.
False. Some stores have imposed purchase limits on in-demand goods.

3. What does buying more than is needed mean, according to supermarket brands?
According to supermarkets, buying more than is needed can sometimes mean that you leave nothing for others.

4. What do supermarkets think people need to do to make sure there is enough items for everyone?
They think there is enough for everyone as long as we all work together.




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