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Zoom sees sales boom amid pandemic 新冠肺炎疫情期间 Zoom 视频通讯软件销售额飙升

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就增长速度而言,视频会议软件公司  Zoom 的表现名不虚传。新冠疫情迫使数百万人通过远程通讯软件工作、学习,或与家人朋友 “隔空” 见面,四月份该公司软件的使用量猛增了 30 倍。

The Coronavirus pandemic has unleashed incredible growth for Zoom. The popular video conferencing app, which is now worth around $50 billion, said sales grew by 169% in one year.

新冠肺炎疫情给 Zoom 的业务带来了难以置信的增长。这个广受欢迎的视频会议软件应用目前市值约为500亿美元,其销售额在一年内增长了169%。

Zoom’s success reflects how it’s helped us to stay connected, from remote working, to learning, to simply staying in touch with friends and loved ones. Daily use has ballooned to 300 million participants from about ten million in a matter of months.

Zoom 被广泛使用反映了它是如何帮助我们与他人保持联系的:从远程工作到学习,再到与亲朋好友们保持联络。在短短的几个月内,该软件的单日使用人数已从1000万人激增到3亿人。

But as more people have logged on, its security and privacy flaws have been exposed. Still, Zoom’s latest earnings report shows this issue has had little impact on its ability to grow and to generate cash.

但随着更多的人登陆使用这个软件,它在安全和隐私方面的缺陷已经暴露出来。尽管如此,Zoom 最新的营收报告显示,这个问题对它们的业务增长和现金创收能力影响甚微。

If anything, these results confirm its status as a Wall Street star by proving you can turn popularity into profits.

其实,这些营收报告证明了公司可将人气转化为利润,也由此肯定了 Zoom 公司的华尔街明星地位。


unleashed 突然释放了
video conferencing 视频会议
stay connected 保持联系
remote working 远程工作
staying in touch 保持联络
daily use 单日使用量
logged on 登陆
security 安全
privacy 隐私
popularity 人气,受欢迎程度
profits 利润

阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. True or false? Zoom is an app which people use to make video calls.

2. What does the success of Zoom reflect, according to the text?

3. How long did it take for the app to grow from ten million to 300 million participants in daily use?

4. What flaws have been exposed as more people have started to use Zoom?


1. True or false? Zoom is an app which people use to make video calls.
True. It is a popular video conferencing app.

2. What does the success of Zoom reflect, according to the text?
Zoom’s success reflects how it’s helped us to stay connected, from remote working, to learning, to simply staying in touch with friends and loved ones.

3. How long did it take for the app to grow from ten million to 300 million participants in daily use?
It took the app several months to do so.

4. What flaws have been exposed as more people have started to use Zoom?
As more people have logged on, Zoom’s security and privacy flaws have been exposed.




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