中国日报网 2021-05-21 15:18
The 356-meter-tall SEG Plaza in Shenzhen first began shaking on Tuesday afternoon. All those inside were evacuated within 90 minutes, local authorities said.
From 9 pm on Tuesday to 3 pm on Wednesday, a number of professional organizations closely monitored the skyscraper's vibration, tilt and subsidence. The three indicators were far below levels that would prompt concerns, and data from the monitoring did not reveal any abnormalities, the city's housing and urban-rural development bureau said in a statement.
Skyscraper通常指城市理高耸入云的“摩天大楼”,我们也可以用high-rise来替换表达,比如:She lives in a high-rise/skyscraper in downtown(她住在市中心的一个摩天高楼里),high-rise有时候也用作形容词,所以high-rise或者high-rise building都可以表示“摩天高楼”。与其相对的low-rise自然就表示“矮楼”,用法与high-rise相同;此外,low-rise用作形容词的时候还可以表示“低腰的”,比如:low-rise trouses(低腰裤)。
A preliminary investigation had found the wobbling was vertical rather than horizontal and that it was caused by a combination of winds, two underground rail lines under the building and the stretch of the steel caused by the rising temperature.
在表达“晃动”的时候英文报道中用到了shake和wobble这两个词,shake表达的意思更加广泛一些,可以表示“晃动、震动、摇动、发抖”等多个意思,比如:shake with fear(吓得浑身发抖),shake one's head in disapproval(摇头表示反对),shake the dust from the cloth(抖掉布料上的尘土);而wobble则强调“to shake or move from side to side in a way that shows a lack of balance”,即“因为失去平衡而左右摇晃”,比如:The table wobbles because its legs are uneven(因为桌腿不齐,所以桌子不稳)。
5月21日,一份落款为深圳赛格集团有限公司的通知显示:为确保赛格大厦检测工作顺利进行,不受外界干扰,经赛格集团研究决定,自5月21日零时起,暂停所有业主、商户、租户进出赛格大厦写字楼和电子市场(all business owners, vendors and tenants will be denied access to the plaza),待相关检测工作完成后再有序开放,有关事宜另行通知。
深圳市将根据楼体结构排查情况,研判大厦恢复开放时间。鉴于该大厦未安装阻尼器(tuned mass damper),专家建议,下一步可以考虑安装阻尼器以提高防风防震能力和舒适度。
房地产开发 real estate development
摩天大楼 skyscrapers
中层建筑 mid-rise building
楼层建筑面积 floor space
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)