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The cicada invasion 周期蝉蛰伏17年后破土而出



The cicada invasion 周期蝉蛰伏17年后破土而出


有关 “insects(昆虫)” 的词汇


How long will the female cicada live after emerging from the ground?


It’s a sight and sound that will make your skin crawl. Billions of periodical cicadas emerging out of the earth and overtaking the eastern United States. The rare spectacle has Americans in awe.


Rosemarie Grant, Witness
And it was deafening, really deafening.

罗斯玛丽·格兰特       蝉群目击者

The Grants have lived here for decades, and like clockwork, the Brood X cicadas have arrived at the same time every seventeen years to mate. It can get so loud that some of their friends have mistaken the male insects’ droning song for a police siren.


Peter Grant, Witness
Because of my hearing disadvantages, I don’t put my hearing aids [in] when I come out in the garden, otherwise I get the whole sound magnified.

彼得·格兰特       蝉群目击者

The mass emergence and its timing is all part of a clever survival strategy to evade predators. Then the metamorphosis from nymph to adult happens relatively quickly.


Nada Tawfik, BBC Correspondant
So here we have a fully grown female that’s now ready to mate and lay her eggs. She’ll only live four to six weeks, though, after being underground for 17 years.

纳达·陶菲克       BBC通讯员

Because this is when they are most vulnerable – right here, because their body is so soft…


It’s a magical time for entomologist Dr Jessica Weir, whose 16-year-old daughter wasn’t even alive the last time she saw these insects. The world was a very different place back then. George Bush was president, and Facebook was just launched.


Dr. Jessica Weir, Entomologist, American Natural History Museum
You know, a lot of people for centuries have been calling these things locusts, but they are the opposite of locusts, because they’re not actually a plague ­– they’re not destroying crops. They’re actually living their life completely in exclusion of humans and they are great nutrition.

杰西卡·威尔博士       美国自然历史博物馆昆虫学家

Yes, you heard that right. These critters are a culinary delicacy.


Joseph Yoon, Chef, Brooklyn Bugs
The cicadas are a flavour bomb. They have so much flavour and add a sense of umami to the dish.

约瑟夫·尹       Brooklyn Bugs 厨师
“蝉是一种 ‘风味炸弹’。它们味道丰富,能为菜肴提鲜。”

Chef Joseph has been cooking with the star ingredient to encourage Americans to re-imagine bugs as a protein-rich sustainable food source.


“I think I am ready – may I?”


“Yes, please.”


“OK, I am going to go with this one here. Bug appetite! A burst of springtime in your mouth.”

“好,我就拿这一块吧。‘蝉’ 死我啦!仿佛嘴里涌入了春天的气息。”

For others, the noisy critters are just downright disruptive. It’s safe to say Shakespeare is not in love with the cicada. This theatre company has had to cut its outdoor season short.


Bonnie Monte, The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey
The last time I directed a show out here, I sat over there with two huge badminton rackets and just screamed as they came at me and swatted them away.

邦妮·蒙特       新泽西莎士比亚剧院

The takeover may be dramatic, but it is temporary. Soon the larvae of the new generation will burrow their way into the ground resetting the 17-year cycle.



droning 嗡嗡作响的

nymph 若虫

entomologist 昆虫学家

critters 小动物

burrow 钻入


The female cicada will only live four to six weeks after emerging.




Maybe 和 may be 的意思一样吗?


Recharge one’s batteries 养精蓄锐


Noob 菜鸟,新手

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