BBC Learning English 英语教学



Two new dinosaur species discovered on the Isle of Wight 英国怀特岛发现两个新的恐龙物种

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They would have been a terrifying sight, roaming the Earth 125 million years ago. Both were nine metres long with skulls similar to a crocodile’s, but with a series of low horns and bumps.


One has been called a ‘hell heron’, as scientists believe its hunting style would have been a fearsome version of the modern-day birds.

其中一种恐龙被称作 “地狱苍鹭” ,因为科学家认为它的捕食方式很像现代的鹭科鸟类,但要更凶猛可怕。

Bones from the heads and the tails were discovered on a beach near Brighstone over a period of a few years, and experts say the discovery of the two animals so close together was a huge surprise.



terrifying 可怕的
skulls 头骨,颅骨
horns (动物的)角
heron 鹭,苍鹭
hunting 捕猎,捕食
fearsome 吓人的


1. When were these two new species thought to have existed?

2. How big were the animals?

3. Why has one been called a ‘hell heron’?

4. What parts of the animals were excavated?


1. When were these two new species thought to have existed?
These two species of dinosaur would have roamed the Earth 125 million years ago.

2. How big were the animals?
Both were nine metres long.

3. Why has one been called a ‘hell heron’?
One has been called a ‘hell heron’, as scientists believe its hunting style would have been a fearsome version of the modern-day birds.

4. What parts of the animals were excavated?
Bones from the heads and the tails were discovered.




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