表达 “larger than life” 用来描述一个人 “外表格外耀眼夺目,或行为比普通人更有趣,非同凡响”。这种 “超群不凡” 既可以形容行为,也可以形容仪表,通常用来指一个会引来各方注目的人。在三个单词间加上连字符,可作复合形容词 “larger-than-life” 使用。
Our boss always dresses in the most colourful suits and comes into the office singing. She’s larger than life.
Jeff is such a larger-than-life character – he’s so exciting to be around.
The moment we walked into the restaurant, everyone turned to look at my big sister’s dress. It was amazing. She’s larger than life.