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中国日报网 2022-04-29 16:20





1. 奥密克戎灭活疫苗获临床批件

2. 央行决定下调外汇存款准备金率

3. RCEP协定助力成员国跨境电商发展

4. 上海外资企业有序复工复产

5. 多国现不明原因儿童肝炎感染


1. 奥密克戎变异株新冠疫苗

Omicron-specific COVID-19 vaccine


Clinical trials for China's vaccine against Omicron variants are expected to conclude in three to four months, according to the vaccine developer on Wednesday.


426日,国药集团中国生物奥密克戎变异株新冠病毒灭活疫苗获国家药监局临床批件(was approved for clinical trials)。在即将开展的临床试验研究(clinical research)中,研究团队将高度关注疫苗是否能够激发人体产生针对奥密克戎的特异性的中和抗体。

国药集团中国生物首席科学家、副总裁张云涛说,当前的研究结果显示,针对新冠病毒奥密克戎变异株的疫苗中,针对奥密克戎的中和抗体获得了很大幅度的提升(the vaccine has good neutralizing activity against Omicron variants)。他说,动物试验也表明,该疫苗对奥密克戎具有一定的保护效果(animal experiments have also shown that the vaccine offers some protection against Omicron infections)。他同时指出,该疫苗的防护作用需要在临床试验中进一步观察。

中国生物将采用随机、双盲、队列研究的形式(a randomized, double-blind and cohort study method will be adopted),在已完成23剂新冠疫苗接种的18岁及以上人群中进行序贯免疫临床研究,评价奥密克戎变异株新冠病毒灭活疫苗的安全性和免疫原性(evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the inactivated vaccine)


奥密克戎变异株 Omicron variants

双盲研究 double-blind study

加强针 booster shot

国产疫苗 domestically developed vaccines

2. 下调外汇存款准备金率

cut reserve requirement ratio for foreign currency deposits


China's central bank announced Monday that it will cut the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for foreign currency deposits by one percentage point beginning May 15, in an attempt to shore up the Chinese yuan against U.S. dollar.


据介绍,外汇存款准备金率是指金融机构(financial institutions)交存中国人民银行(the People's Bank of China)的外汇存款准备金与其吸收外汇存款(foreign currency deposits)的比率。中国人民银行在声明中表示,此举旨在提升金融机构外汇资金运用能力(strengthen the management of foreign currencies in financial institutions)。

425日,离岸人民币兑美元汇率盘中跌破6.6关口(the offshore rate broke 6.60 per US dollar )。当日,人民银行官网发布消息,下调金融机构外汇存款准备金率。该消息公布后,离岸人民币兑美元汇率快速拉升300个点(quickly rebound by 300 basis points)。当日,在岸人民币(the onshore yuan)对美元汇率收盘价报6.5487元。去年,中国人民银行曾两次提升外汇存款准备金率(raise the reserve ratio for foreign currency),以减轻人民币升值压力(stem the rapid strengthening of the currency)


外汇存款准备金率 reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for foreign currency deposits

人民币汇率 the RMB exchange rate

金融机构 financial institutions

3. 跨境电商

cross-border e-commerce


Almost four months after the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership came into action, China-stationed foreign diplomats said the forms of intraregional trade will be further diversified and facilitated, enriching the Asia-Pacific region's economic vitality through inclusive and sustainable economic recovery amid the pandemic.


RCEP是东盟10国和中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚和新西兰签署的贸易协定(a trade deal between the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations and China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Australia and New Zealand)。外国驻华外交人员指出,这一协定将加强区域贸易和投资(reinforce regional trade and investment) ,帮助企业尤其是中小企业更好地发展包括跨境电商和国际贸易在内的传统和外贸新业态(both traditional and new foreign trade formats),在覆盖全球三分之一人口的巨大市场拉动全球GDP

三月底,越南、泰国、马来西亚三国驻广西南宁总领事(consul-generals)开展了直播带货活动(participate in a livestreaming event)。这些外交官向国内消费者推销越南咖啡(Vietnamese coffee)、泰国乳胶枕头(Thailand's latex pillows)和马来西亚的猫山王榴莲(Malaysia's Musang King durian)等产品,并通过与抖音主播合作和观众进行互动。这三位总领事还通过跨境电商平台来赞达向东南亚国家的民众推荐了一些广西特产(Guangxi specialties),比如茉莉花茶( jasmine tea)、沃柑(tangerines)、燕窝(edible bird's nests)、医药用品(medical supplies)和螺蛳粉(luosifen rice noodles)。


跨境电子商务综合试验区 cross-border e-commerce pilot zone

跨境服务贸易负面清单 negative list for cross-border trade in services

外资准入 foreign investment access

货物贸易正增长 positive growth of foreign trade in goods

4. 外资企业

foreign firms


Multinational corporations in Shanghai have implemented contingency plans to maintain production as the city's authorities have introduced measures to help businesses in the city return to normal operations.


3月下旬上海封控前,一些跨国公司工厂已在上海进入"闭环管理"(enter into "closed-loop management"),当时员工被动员留在公司,他们的健康状况也在密切监测中(staff members were mobilized to stay on site and their health was closely monitored)。阿克苏诺贝尔、赢创、苏伊士和科莱恩等化工巨头已调整了生产职责和人员安排,以确保将封控对产品交付的影响降到最低(adjust their production portfolios and personnel arrangements in a bid to ensure that deliveries to clients would be minimally interrupted by the lockdown)。

科思创全球高级副总裁兼中国区总裁雷焕丽表示,截至今天,该公司全球最大的工厂目前生产负荷保持较高水平,并正逐渐从最近几周因物流不畅阻碍生产的情况中恢复过来(the company's largest site worldwide is running at a high capacity and is gradually recovering from recent weeks when logistics constraints hampered production)。特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克表示,特斯拉上海超级工厂已经恢复了“相当高水平”的产能(its Gigafactory in Shanghai has resumed production "at fairly high levels"),今年有望生产150万辆汽车,较2021的产量增加50%以上。


防疫规定 anti-epidemic rules

复工复产 work and production resumption

跨国公司 multinational

公路物流 road logistics

5. 不明原因儿童急性肝炎

acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children


A possible case of a mysterious form of child hepatitis has been found for the first time in Japan, the health ministry has said. Cases so far have mostly been reported in Europe.


据悉,该种不明原因儿童急性肝炎(acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children)由英国首次报告,最早1例于20221月出现症状,随后爱尔兰、荷兰等国也陆续报告。据CNN415日报道,美国也出现了类似病例。世界卫生组织23日通报称,全球已有12个国家报告了169例不明病因儿童肝炎病例(at least 169 cases had been reported in children in 12 countries),至少1名儿童死亡。患者年龄从1个月至16岁不等,其中17人需要进行肝脏移植(require liver transplantation)。

世卫组织表示,在至少74例患者中检测到一种被称为腺病毒-41病毒。专家表示,这些病例可能与一种感冒病毒有关(the cases may be linked to a virus commonly associated with colds),但进一步的研究仍在进行中。“腺病毒是一种假设(adenovirus is a possible hypothesis),对病因的调查仍在进行中,”世卫组织指出,74例病例中检出普通感冒病毒腺病毒,20例病例中检测出新冠病毒(tested positive for the coronavirus)。


腺病毒 adenovirus

甲型肝炎 Hepatitis A

乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B

丙型肝炎 hepatitis C

肝硬化 cirrhosis


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