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Is listening to a book better than reading it? 听书比看书更好吗?


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词汇:reading 阅读

Picture yourself sitting at home in a quiet reading nook, ignoring the world around you, engrossed in a tale. You read the blurb, instantly became intrigued and now you’re in the middle of an absolute page-turner. But, there’s a hot debate – physical books vs. e-books vs. audiobooks. Does the device you’re using to read affect your reaction to the book?

Generally, reading uses several areas of the brain. There’s attention span, reasoning, reading fluency, memory and language comprehension. Reading is known to strengthen communicative ability, vocabulary and increase emotional intelligence and social perception. So, whichever way you’re reading, there are definitely benefits.

But, let’s look at the pros to reading with your eyes – that’s physical books and e-books. They can help to retain information better. This is because when you can actually see the words, your attention is held more closely. Add to this the fact that with physical books you can go back and find any part you missed, especially if your mind wanders, which it likely will at some point or other.

On the other hand, there’s the audiobook. Headphones in, you’re switched off from life and the story really comes alive, almost like watching a film – in your head. From a scientific perspective, listening to an audiobook is likely to help you develop a greater sense of empathy as you hear the emotion of the narrator. We can more easily understand inflection and intonation. Hearing the story engages different parts of the brain, heightening the intensity and imagery, making you enjoy it more. Yet, going back to attention span, with an audiobook it’s true that it’s much harder to go back and listen again.

All in all, it seems that there are advantages to both physical books and audiobooks. Perhaps, next time you find yourself browsing bookshop shelves, also consider the format. It may just change your whole literary experience.


reading nook 读书角
engrossed 全神贯注的,专心致志的
tale 故事
blurb 简介
page-turner 令人爱不释手的书
e-book 电子书籍
audiobook 有声读物
attention span 注意力的持续时间,注意广度
fluency 流畅度
emotional intelligence 情商
social perception 社会知觉
retain 记住
attention is held 注意力集中
wander 走神,开小差
come alive 变得有趣,显得逼真
narrator 讲述者
inflection 音调变化
intonation 语调
imagery 意象,比喻
browse 随意看,浏览
bookshop shelves 书店的书架
literary 文学的


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What benefits are mentioned in relation to reading in general?

2. Why does reading a physical book help to retain information better?

3. True or false? You feel more empathy towards a character if you read a physical book.

4. Why is it easier to lose focus in an audiobook?

5. Why can listening to a book help you enjoy it more?

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. He was so _______ by the film, that he didn’t hear me shout.

engrossed                held                       wanders                    emotional

2. My sister really _______ when she danced on stage.

browsed                   retained                 came alive                 engaged

3. I always read the _______ before choosing a book.

nook                         narrator                  blurb                          shelves

4. Children have shorter _______ than adults.

attention spans         fluency                  social perception        imagery

5. When you speak, your _______ will help people understand what you mean.

literary                       intonation              intelligence                 attention span


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 

1. What benefits are mentioned in relation to reading in general?
It strengthens communicative ability, vocabulary, and increases emotional intelligence and perception.

2. Why does reading a physical book help to retain information better?
Because when you can see the words, your attention is held more closely.

3. True or false? You feel more empathy towards a character if you read a physical book.
False. You feel more empathy towards a character if you listen to an audiobook.

4. Why is it easier to lose focus in an audiobook?
Because it isn’t as easy to go back and listen again, unlike with a physical book.

5. Why can listening to a book help you enjoy it more?
It heightens the intensity and imagery of the story.

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. He was so engrossed by the film, that he didn’t hear me shout.

2. My sister really came alive when she danced on stage.

3. I always read the blurb before choosing a book.

4. Children have shorter attention spans than adults.

5. When you speak, your intonation will help people understand what you mean.




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